Self Help Lessons By Best Sellers by Taylor K. Daniels - HTML preview

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The 7 Habits of a Highly Efficient Person

This book initially introduced the principle of the Paradigm Shift. This will prepare you for a great change within your mindset. This will help you understand more about the existence of the unusual perspective. This is a viewpoint which might not be the same between you and the author of this book. After preparing yourself for this, you will learn the different 7 habits of the highly efficient people which are presented in a correct order.

Every chapter of this book discusses a particular habit that is characterized by the succeeding 7 imperatives.

Self-Mastery or Independence

The initial 3 habits are connected with the change from reliance to independence.

Habit #1 – Be Proactive

You need have to have initiative in your life by understanding that the decisions you make and the way they align with the principles in life are the basic determining factors intended for the efficiency within your life. You have to be responsible for the choices you choose and the consequences that will come after them.

Habit #2 Start with the End in Mind”

Discover then clarify your deep significant character life goals and values. Envision the perfect characteristics for every different relationships and roles in life. You need to create your mission statement.

Habit #3 – Put First Things First

Plan, prioritize and implement your tasks for the week. You have to do them based on their significance instead of urgency. Assess whether the efforts demonstrate your desired personality values. You have to propel towards your goals and enhance the relationships and roles which are elaborated in the second habit.


The succeeding 3 habits are related to interdependence, and these are the following:

Habit # 4 – Consider Win-win

Strive for the mutually advantageous solutions and agreements when it comes to relationships. You have to give importance and respect the persons who surround you by realizing the “win” as the better resolution plan as compared when only one individual in the scenario had obtained his way.

Habit # 5 – Understand to Be Understood

You have to use definite listening to be fully influenced by another individual that compels a highly effective person to respond through listening. An efficient person is open-minded to accept influence by other individuals. It forms the ambience of care and positive way to solve any kind of problem.

Habit # 6 – Synergize

Mix the strength of individuals by means of positive teamwork. This will help in achieving the goals which are unattainable if the person will do it on his or her own.

Change of Behavior

When a person has the right behavior, nothing could become an obstacle to the efficiency of a person in his or her life.

Habit # 7 – Sharpen the Saw

Balance then renew the resources, health and energy you have to make a sustainable, efficient and long-term lifestyle. It will basically emphasize the exercise intended for physical regeneration, prayer as well as good reading that will help you in psychological renewal. It also covers the service offered to the community for spiritual regeneration.

Thinking about these habits and trying to possess and practice all of these in your everyday living will help you in making yourself a better one. By having these attitudes, you will be able to succeed in no matter what you do.