Self Improvement and Motivation For Success by John Life - HTML preview

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Self Improvement and Motivation For Success


Focused: Always maintain your focus and give your total attention to the people you interact.


Courtesy: Be good to others and show courtesy even to those who are strangers.


Civic sense: Exhibit civility and respect. Don’t dominate people and speak with kindness and respect.


Wisdom: Wisdom is gained by experience. Be in touch with your inner self in order to gain higher understanding and wisdom.


Charity: Be generous and charitable to others. Extend help even to those who have not helped you.


Empathy: Know that everybody is different and has different needs. Understand others feelings and thoughts.


Sympathy: Always be sympathetic to people under emotional stress. Try to understand things from their view point.


Compassionate: Reach out and help those who are in distress. You wouldn’t believe the good wishes they’ll send out to you.


Altruism: Think for others without being selfish. Do good and don’t expect things in return. Moreover, don’t express to others the favors you do to them.


High-minded: Give your money, time and knowledge to others so that they can learn from your experience. Don’t stop short thinking that they’ll get ahead of you. It takes a high mind and a generous heart to do that!


The traits given above are some of the qualities that a successful person should possess. Try to adopt them in daily life and make them a part of your character.