Self Improvement and Motivation For Success by John Life - HTML preview

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Self Improvement and Motivation For Success


3) Persistence of behavior:


Persistence is an important element in motivation as it ensures continuity and concreteness regarding the action plans. It also maintains one’s motivation and also continues the goal achievement of the person.


Other than these behavioral aspects, motivation is also catered by some motives that are important. These can be psychological or physiological in nature which fall under Homeostatic motives (such as those important for living. Eg: thirst, hunger, etc), Non- homeostatic motives (such as shelter seeking habits, curiosity, etc) and Social/ Learned motives (such as approval, appreciation, etc). Homeostatic elements are in born and need not be nurtured as such. They are present as an inherent part of one’s nature. Non homeostatic elements tend to be affected by the surroundings and can arise due to general observation. However, social or learned motives are different in every individual as people tend to behave differently, face variety of situations and are shaped continuously by the people and the situation they face.


That is why every individual’s response to these motives is quite different, depending on their upbringing, experience and learning pattern. Therefore, every individual responds differently when motivated, which is exhibited via the behavioral aspects and the individual motives. The key point to note here is that no matter how you are conditioned, always respond positively so as to maximize your potential and harbor your motivation.


Once you learn how to control these behavioral aspects, you can take charge of yourself and change sails according to the direction your life propels you in. This would make you move easily in to the realms of success.