Self Improvement and Motivation For Success by John Life - HTML preview

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Chapter 13

Role of Education in successful life

Education is one of the fundamental principles on which one’s success depends. To understand the role of education and its impact on success, one has to first understand how they measure a successful life. A successful life can be denominated by a person’s wealth, fame, career position, property, assets and most of all, their personality. While many argue that one needs to have luck for success and those who are born with wealth and assets are already successful, we do need to realize that being born with assets would not make us successful until we prove ourselves to be worthy of it.

So regardless of the fact whether you are born rich or poor, you need to focus on how you can be successful and how you can maintain this position of yours. Now comes the question, why do people press on being educated in order to be successful! Well, its quite simple. Education gives you the sense of direction, the knowledge, the skills and the focus which is needed in order to be successful. Of course, good rationale is also important as many, who have succeeded in their career paths have done so because they made good decisions. But our decisions eventually depend on our education and are in some way affect by our level of education and experience.

An educated entrepreneur and an uneducated entrepreneur have different approaches, strategies and planning tendencies. Moreover, education makes you stand out amongst the others, gives you dignity and grace. The chances of having better paid jobs and even better careers are all dependant on your level of education. College dropouts such as Bill Gates – Microsoft, Michael Cell – Dell computers and Steve Jobs of Apple are some of the exceptions who were either so intelligent or hardworking that lack of education didn’t stop them to be successful. But following their path is not everybody’s rule of game as we have to face the reality rather than dream about exceptions. Despite not having a