Self Improvement and Motivation For Success by John Life - HTML preview

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Chapter 18

Criteria for idealizing successful people in the world

In this world, we, as individuals, have lots of aspirations and dreams. Throughout the stage of growing up, we tend to idealize key people in our life, who can either be our favorite movie stars, sportsmen, teachers, family members or even politicians. This gradual idealism leaves an impact on us and at times, our personality reflects certain traits of our ideals which we have absorbed from them in the due course of time.

So is there actually certain criterion for idealizing people in our life? Should we randomly idealize just anybody who inspires us? Well, the thing is, that not all individuals are worthy of idealism. It also depends upon how, we, as a person, would want to see ourselves. A thief would always idealize his mafia leader, not the local priest! So, if we aspire to be worthy and successful individuals, then we need to idealize people who have the following important traits:

Positive attitude: A positive attitude not only makes us successful, but it also makes us open to all the opportunities that come our way. Successful people have positivity radiating from them and they never let go of any opportunity. It is these minute opportunities that have made them climb their success ladders.

Value time: Successful people also value their time. They are well prioritized and planned for the day. Not only that, but they also value the time of others and fulfill their deadlines accordingly. When going for a meeting, they are always on time and well planned.

Accountability: Despite being high risk takers, successful people tend to be accountable for their actions, successes and failures. They do not blame their environment or the people, just in case any plan fails.