Shine Your Light by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter thirteen


Hope is one area of discourse that has being very well treated by many life coaches and motivators. Hope believes tomorrow today i.e. what you want to happen tomorrow is taken as a reality today. Hope is similar to faith. Faith is the action that one takes today in anticipation of a better tomorrow even if today doesn’t look like it. Hope is the thinking pattern that pictures the tomorrow into today. Hope and faith work together.

Everyone wants the reality of their gifting coming through today. We naturally anticipate being the best almost immediately we start off at the direction of or talent. That’s great thinking. That’s hope.

Amazingly, situations in life don’t work that way. We have to walk to the top one step at a time. Off course, one can fly but one does not begin flying immediately. A butterfly flies but it first learns to walk in the form of a larva before it grows wings over time. Every insect shares these attribute, even birds. There’s actually a hope that one day, they will fly and that day arrives.

That big light that you want to shine will shine when you are hoping on the big light shining but you can’t give up on the reality of tomorrow today because you think you should have flown. You really should fly in hope but let’s take some walking steps first.

Yes, you may have a great singing talent but that doesn’t make you like Beyoncé or Madonna. Every great artist we celebrate today had their period of hope. They had the times when all they had was their gifts and talent. But they looked at the big superstar picture, the amazing bestseller, the renowned speaker, and world class performances. They saw the tomorrow even when others didn’t see it with them and they just kept moving.

When your aspirations become “hope” you are on track to getting it done however the limits that hang around. The late boxing legend Mohammed Ali is credited with this statement “I will be champion of the world”. When he started out his career, no one believed him but he knew what he had and believed in himself. He saw the big picture of being the champion of the world. He became that not long afterward. The history of boxing won’t be complete without him.

Don’t ever blind your eyes to the better side that hope supplies. Yes, hope. One factor of hope is that it stimulates “ better”. It doesn’t see dark sides, however, challenging or dark present may be. Hope will always tell you that there’s a big outcome out there.

As an author, what keeps me writing is my hope. I’m not yet the best-selling author or the high profile speaker yet. I’m not even close to publishing a hardcover but I hope to sell hundreds of millions of hardcover books and have billions of my eBooks read by at least half of the world. That’s incredible you’d say, but that’s just how far my hope can take.

Every student that enters the university has the hope to finish completing a course at the university is a hope because it’s in the future, it is the future and the better state. When one anticipates better, better finds a way to arrive.

America’s president Obama Barack wrote in his book “ the audacity of hope” how he was empowered with his belief that he could someday become the president of the United States of America. That was a big hope but since it was hope, he worked towards it and came through the president of America.

There is a propulsive tendency that characterizes hope. When you make that future you anticipate hope, it’s only a matter of time before you are there . Your light has the capacity to reach much farther than one could imagine and that’s just far as your hope can picture.

You owe yourself the responsibility to give hope to all the things you can. Hope is like an empty trailer, you have to feed it with goods so that it can carry with it. Hope is always there and could do nothing if you don’t feed it with a task. You have to tell hope how big the future you want your light to shine into. No matter how small your light today, hope has developed convex lenses and mirrors of infinite curvatures to send your light to infinity.

How about leaving your light footprints in the sand of time after you are long gone? Yes, death is every body’s final physical end but the spirit of our thought pattern could still be living forever. Abraham Lincoln is dead and long gone, J F Kennedy is dead and gone but the footprints are still being felt by the thought patterns they left behind for the world. That was their light and we still feel it burning feverishly. Your hope can enable your light travel that long.