Shine Your Light by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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When I was little, along with my peers, we did little childhood experiments using a battery and a bulb. The bulb didn’t cost much (just a few cents) and the battery was a used one. We constructed a torch light and felt proud with our invention. We always prayed for the night to arrive so that or invention could find use.

We moved from just the battery and bulb to designing room lightening with our bulb, battery, and switch. We felt so much joy that we could provide our homes with light other than the use of kerosene lamps that we were accustomed to. During the night, we strolled around the community with our torch attracting attention from other children in our community who wished to replicate our torch.

The biblical creation story has it that God made a light first. God needed light to see through the remaining process of creation. Since God declared light, it has found immense use in its varying forms as fire, sun etc. we use light especially for illumination, direction, instruction, food production, entertainment etc.

In everyone is light. We each carry a degree of light that is expected to shine to the world around and beyond us. In us is that filament of light possibility that is supposed to be burning to act as a warmth, direction, and influence to others. It is, however, sad that most persons have their light cage in a dark box which does not allow the escape of the light. These persons thus struggle to make impact and influence in life.

Light is only valuable when it is shining. Only when it is placed on a hill and it illumines the environment can we say that it has found use. The light you have inside you has an intensity that is only valuable when it is allowed to shine. What this means is that if your light is in a black box, you have to break that box.

One may ask how about if there is no light burning in us? Well, the answer is that there is a light potential and tendency, it is just lying there important. It’s like having a matchbox filled with match sticks. There is a huge possibility of light coming from the match box when the matchstick is scratched on it, however, it won’t happen by itself except the stick is scratched on the box.

This book is going to trigger you into discovering your light potential, releasing yourself to allow it shine and breaking the black boxes of limitation that strive to cover the light. Your light is meant to influence people, catch it in this book.