Singleship: Don't Make Cake With Rotten Eggs! by J.J. Jones - HTML preview

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My Reading List

Here are some  self-help books.

1. Forgive for Good by Dr. Fred Luskin

      (Published 2003 by HarperOne)

2. Change Your Brain, Change your Life by Daniel Amen

     M.D.   (Published 1998 Times Books)

3. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent

     Peale  (Published 1996, Ballantine Books)

4. The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People by Stephen

    Covey (Published 1990 Simon & Schuster)

5. Seven Levels of Intimacy by Mathew Kelly

    (Published 2007 Simon & Schuster)

6. The Half-Known World:on fiction writing by Robert

     Boswell  (Published 2008 by Graywolf Press)