After connecting with your Akashic Record, your Spirit Guides, Teachers and Loved Ones, I ask for guidance in interpreting the blueprint your soul has created.
Next I begin looking at your Soul’s Star System of Origin. This gives us general insight into the originating energy of Your Soul.
After assessing your Soul’s Star System, I cast your Soul Codes, your Astral Charts and your Archetype Charts. Finally, I take all of this information and I translate your soul’s blueprint and soul’s chosen position on the Tree of Life.
I remain in constant communication with your soul, and your guides while I do these readings and translations. I receive a great deal of insight into your soul’s purpose, your main spiritual ascension challenges, and your soul’s weaknesses and strengths. Finally, I ask your soul to give me insight into what kind of a vibrational support system you need and will be most open to receive. |
This information comes to me in the form of colors, spirit messengers, guardian angels, physical areas of your body that need your loving attention, and finally the stones, alchemical elements & metals your soul asks that you to use to strengthen and uplift you.