Speed Reading Monster Course by Mind Body Spirit Sites - HTML preview

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Chapter 3 Radically Increasing Your Reading Speed

Speed reading helps you to read and understand texts more quickly. It is an essential skill in any


environment where you have to learn bulky pieces of information fast.


The most important thing you need to know about speed reading is to identify what information


you need from a document before you start reading. For example, if you only want an outline of the


different computer programming languages, then you can skim the document very quickly and extract


only the essential facts. On the other hand, if you need to understand the real detail of the document –


how program X differs from program Y and Z – then you need to read it slowly enough to fully


understand it.


You will get the greatest time saving from speed reading by learning to adjust your reading type depending on your purpose and need.

Technical Issues

Even when you know how to ignore irrelevant details, you can make other technical


improvements to your reading style that can increase your reading speed.


As what we have mentioned earlier, most people tend to read the way young children do –


either letter-by-letter or word-by-word. But the truth is, reading is about fixing the eyes on one block of


words, then moving them again to the next block, and so on. Thus, you are reading blocks of words at a


time, and not individual words one-by-one.


http://www.mbssites.com Skilled readers are able to read the most number of words in each block. They will dwell on


each block for an instant, and will immediately move on. This technique reduces the amount of work


that the reader's eyes have to do. It also increases the volume of information that can be read in a


certain period.


Poor readers, on the other hand, spend a lot of time reading small blocks of words. They will


skip back often, resulting to decrease in reading speed. This irregular eye movement will make reading


tiring. That is why poor readers tend to dislike reading, and may find it harder to concentrate and


understand any reading material.


Speed reading aims to improve reading skills by:


Increasing the number of words in each block:


Consciousness is necessary in trying to expand the number of words that you read at a time.


Practice will help you read faster. You may also find that you can increase the number of words


read by holding the text a little further from your eyes. The more words you can read in each


block, the faster you will read!


Reducing fixation time:


The minimum length of time needed to read each block is probably ¼ of a second. By pushing


yourself to reduce the time you take, you will get better at picking up information quickly.


Reducing skip backs:


http://www.mbssites.com To reduce the number of times your eyes goes back to a previous text, run a pointer along the


line as you read. Your eyes should follow the tip of your pointer to smoothen the flow of your reading.

Self-Pacing Techniques in Speed Reading

Speed reading is not a big incomprehensible subject. Professional speed reading classes mainly


teach a handful of quick methods that help people focus their attention better. The eyes are drawn to


movement. Speed reading methods put that motion on the material being read.


Your starting position is essential. You should sit up straight, grip the book down with your left


hand, and use your right hand to do the pacing.


You should already be an able reader before you try to speed read. Speed reading will not help


you if you have problems in understanding the meaning of the words. In fact, it may be fruitless for you


to try to rush through things that you can't comprehend. You should have the basics down already first.


Before you start speed reading, you should do a survey of the data first and foremost to get a


general idea of what you will be undertaking and of the type of writing. The self-pacing methods


below used in speed reading can help in increasing focus and understanding. They can also help in


breaking the habit of reading and reading again.


The Hand Technique


The first technique is to simply place your right hand on the page and slowly move it straight


down the page, drawing your eyes down as you read. Keep an equal, gradual motion, as if your right


hand has its own free will. Your eyes may not be exactly where your hand is, but this simple movement


http://www.mbssites.com will allow you to go faster. Don't start, read a little, stop, read a little, start, read a little. Keep the


movement slow and easy. Only do it once per page. If you are "left-handed," use your left hand as the


dominant pacing hand.


The Finger Technique


Lift your fingers and make two even bounces on each line. Each time you bounce, you are


ought to be making a fixation of about sets of 3-4 words. This should be done with a balance arm


muscle and not just wiggling the wrist.


The Card Technique


The next method is to utilize a card or a folded-up piece of paper on top of the line of print to


block the words after you read them. Move it down the page slowly and evenly, and try to read the lines


before you cover the words up. This helps break the habit of reading a line of text over and over again.


It helps you pay more attention the first time. Be sure to push the card down quicker than you think you


can go. Slide the card down once per page.


The Sweep Technique


Another tactic is to use your hand to help draw your eyes across the page. Slightly cup your


right hand. Keep your fingers together. With a very loose and fluid motion, sweep your fingers from


left to right, underlining the line with the tip of your tallest finger from about an inch in and an inch out


on each line. Use your whole arm to move, balancing on your arm muscle. Imagine that you are dusting off dirt from the page.

Speed Reading Tips



Once you start reading, don't stop! Read the text straight through. If you have any question after


you have completed reading the material, go back and reread the relevant sections.


Reread the marked sections of the text (the items you indicated that you didn’t quite




Write a small summary at the beginning of the chapter – consisting about 3-4 sentences. If you


ever need to return to the text, the information is much more easily found with summary




Read once. You can't read everything all at once (and wouldn't want to). If it's important, read it


now. If it's not, let it wait.


Read the title and the first paragraph more carefully than the other parts of the section.


If there is a summary at the end of a chapter, read it.


Get a grasp of how the material is organized.


If you need more background, seek another source.


A paper and a pen at hand while reading are helpful. Make sure to have both beside you before


beginning to read.


Use the cursor on computer as a pointer when you read text on the screen. The cursor will then


act as a finger, and your eyes will most likely follow for moving object.


Use a guide (pencil, finger, ruler, etc.) to stop regression.




Train yourself to bypass your automatic response to mentally speak each word. Instead, read


words and phrases at a time, using only the peripheral vision.


When you are reading, it is often useful to highlight, underline, and annotate the text as you go


on. This emphasizes information in the mind, and helps you to recall important details after


reading the material.


Underline relevant information in a section as if you were preparing brief notes from which you


could study.


Underline all definitions of terminology.


Mark or label examples that represent main ideas.


Circle and box special vocabulary words and transitional words and phrases.


Number important or sequential ideas.


Jot down paraphrases, questions, and summaries in available spaces within the text.

What Causes Slow Reading?

Reading word per word


Longer time in reading chunks of words


Eyes going back to a word or sentence previously read


Unable to recognize and respond immediately to the material




Slow vocalization and comprehension


Incorrect eye movements and regression


Slow reading habits due to past reading experiences


Inattentiveness and absent-mindedness during reading


Lack of practice and interest in reading


Spending a lot of time on individual words to be able to sustain comprehension


Poor recognition of important and unimportant things


Remembering everything rather than selectively


Notice that these conditions also act to reduce comprehension. Thus, increasing your reading rate by eliminating all these may also result to increased comprehension.

Tips for Increasing Reading Rate

Improve your vocabulary. Expose yourself with new words so when you encounter them, you


won’t spend more time figuring out what they mean.


Know your reading purpose. For main ideas only, skimming the material is already enough.


Read faster by reading with the mind instead of with the lips.


Read more! Take 15 minutes of your time a day reading an average size novel, magazines, or


other books.




Everyday, increase your reading rate by reading faster (about 2 to 3 times faster) than your


normal speed.


If reading concentration is poor, practice reading for 5 to 10 minutes only at a time. Gradually


increase this rate over time. http://www.mbssites.com