Spiritual Soldier by Erekosee - HTML preview

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The Importance of Keeping Up with Prayer

Prayer provides people with the opportunity to share all aspects in life with the Heavenly Father. Life’s circumstances always change on a daily basis, and the future is yet to unfold. As a matter of fact, things can always go from good to worse in just a very short period of time. God wants people to bring their problems and concerns to Him, and He wants them to become closer to Him all the time.

With every blessing that you receive in this life, prayer provides you with an opportunity to express your gratitude for all the things in this life that He gives. Of course, you must constantly give thanks to God for everything He provides. You pray to acknowledge all the blessings and abundance that you have because of Him.

All people commit mistake each day, and they all sin every day, whether they are aware of it or not. You are not perfect but God wants you to recognize your sins and repent, and you can only achieve this through prayer. This offers the platform for you to confess your sins and repent. Through prayer, you give yourself a perfect chance to unleash the burden that you carry in your hearts.

Prayer is also an act of obedience ad worship. In Thessalonians 5:16-18, you can identify the importance of praying on a daily basis. “Be joyful always and pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” It is the will of the Lord for all His children to give thanks and pray to Him. This is an act of obedience and worship that brings great joy to God. He loves to see all His children following His commandments.

A lot of people know that there is a supreme being who is in control of things and of their lives, and through prayer, they acknowledge this reality. God is supreme and nothing really happens without Him knowing about it. Every day, you need to learn to acknowledge His right place in your life. Praying is actually something that all people should want to do every day. Through prayer, you also express your love towards Him.

If you want to achieve something, prayer is also one of the best tools that you can use to achieve what your heart’s desires. However, people sometimes feel that God doesn’t answer all their prayers. You need to keep in mind that God knows everything, and He knows what you want even before you ask for it. All He wants you to do is to be faithful in Him.

If you have been asking the same thing, and it seems that God is not answering your prayers or not granting what you want, He wants you to learn something. God actually answers your prayers in three ways – Yes, No and Wait.

He would answer “Yes” if He knows that it is appropriate for you, “No” if it will bring no good for you and “Wait” because there is right time for everything. He also wants you to establish your faith in Him. You also need to be patient. He loves all His children and He knows exactly what they want even before they ask it. God knows what is best for us; all you have to do is to have faith in Him.