Starting All Over After a Lockdown by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Ideas rule the world.


WISE PEOPLE ARE at work using the time they have during this lockdown to create ideas. Probably you did not realize how important your ideas are to helping you evolve from the duress of the challenges during this lockdown.

The challenges during this lockdown give you the depth of thought and the opportunity to think. That’s why you had to answer the right why questions in the previous chapter. It probably will give you the leverage to develop the correct idea to put you at a better pedestal to challenge the odds that’s arriving after the lockdown is over.

Across the world, schools have been on shut down for months and no one knows when they are reopening. This has led to the development of veritable online learning platforms and solutions. Many schools have had to think this way and I think that this lockdown will lead to the fast-tracking of the application of digital technology in our academic institutions subsequently.

It’s time for people to get out their creative side. This lockdown has shown the extent to which things can go bad and you can leverage what you now know to develop a unique business idea. You can develop new strategies to expand your business as you leverage on the loopholes this lockdown has allowed you discover.

You might have lost a lot during this lockdown, but you don’t have to cry foul. You’ve probably gained a lot too. If you check what you’ve gained, you could be making more profits than you’ve lost after this lockdown. There are loops of opportunities  that this lockdown is offering and you can create new ideas from them.

To effectively create an idea, you must be willing to think through, factoring in and out, the numerous factors that come to play in the real world. These will require an intense exposure to the mind arena.

Creativity is important because it allows you play around your thoughts as you roam from thought to thought allowing you tweak them as you deem fit to create a working idea. You can leverage on this capacity not just as a one way process but a multifaceted one.

The good news with this lockdown is the depth it offers our creative minds. We can run our ideas around the many issues that reveal themselves. Your goal should be to make the best of the moment whether good or bad and to develop a system that will work in both the best and worst conditions.

Whatever challenges you are facing during this lockdown offers your mind the parameters to figure out what you have to do to not get down there again. but it’s up to you to pick those parameters and get to work with them.

You probably will want to improve your strategy. Perhaps, you are considering having an online presence or you want to start a call-in service or else improve your online servicing platform if you had one before the lockdown.

Maybe as an employee, you probably want to start your own business so that you don’t become susceptible to all the brouhaha of company owners. You have decided to head in a direction of business that gets the pass mark during the lockdown experience. I think that business curriculum developers will certainly add this into subsequent business curriculum.

You owe yourself the willingness to figure out what new direction you should be heading subsequently when things get back to normal.

It’s time to think out of the box. Here’s the difficult part of life and most persons don’t find it comfortable threading this path. They want to have the ease of a salary at the end of the month but they fail to realize that they can be earning more if they do their thing.

Why do you have to think out of the box? Because, inside the box is filled already. Inside the box, you got worn and lost and the lockdown kicked your ass. Out of the box is where opportunities lie. Except you love the life inside the box, you could as well stay in there with your thought process but I am certain what you want is more. You get the opportunity to go for more outside the box.

Leverage your mind to key into the possibilities that are far beyond your current state at the moment. If you can see yourself beyond this lockdown having a good time and an improved life, it probably gives you the shot to make the creative move.

Ideas rule the world. It’s easy to say. You may think, even if I have an idea, how about the resources to run the idea. People’s fear when developing ideas is often the finance to push the idea especially those who are starting from the scratch so they let the idea lie and go looking for resources which in reality they do not get.

Instead of looking for the resources first, get the idea right. Correct ideas whose time is rife certainly have a way of getting resources by themselves, especially if you believe in the idea. So kill the fear.

Resources aren’t just financial, there are several types of resources that are vital to the development of your idea. Creating ideas require the use of your analytical resources. You are able to analyze the current situation, the past and the future opportunities you are hoping to jump on.

This analytical process may take some time. This means that the idea creation act isn’t something you rush in and out. You have to put in so much time resources to get the best results, a workable idea.

The finest businesses today started out as ideas. Who knows, your idea may just be the next big thing on the business stage. A word of advice, don’t allow the present temporary predicament that this lockdown offer stop you from enjoying the benefits of the future by defining how you think. You can never tell how far you’d go if you throw away your ability to think out great stuffs.

What can you see? Your idea creative capacity requires your ability to use your sight. You certainly will need an eye opening experience because though opportunities abound for people to see, only those whose eyes are open mentally see it. What are you seeing? You will be able to create a great idea out of the opportunities  you are able to see.

You can get the vibes around town by listening to what the needs of people are during this lockdown. These needs are essential. Everyone is stocking money to buy things related to what to eat and how to survive. People are complaining to government about hash conditions. What they complain about is a direction pointing to where the needs are. Instead of joining the complaint crew, pick your biro write their complaints down and begin the process of developing a solution for them.

Have this understanding. Some of the finest ideas are born out of the most unfriendly situations and environments. Those visionary we celebrate today saw opportunities from a prevailing negative circumstance and keyed on it. What is a lockdown for many turns out a blessing for one person who can see.

You may have noticed that some of the greatest inventors in the 19th and 20 century weren’t wealthy persons. Most of them were poor peasants and mechanics that saw needs and offered to solve them. The  Wright brothers who invented the airplane were bicycle mechanics. Carl Benz who invented the motor car was a carriage designer. The founder of Toyota was a mechanic, Hyundai was even a bicycle repairer. I can get you a good list. The summary is their ideas didn’t arrive because they lived comfortable lives. No, they were having a hell of a time but they got their ideas right. They leveraged on the prevailing need cushioned by the circumstances around them. This lock down is a key of direction showing you there is an opportunity to grab if only you will look well and listen well.

The currency for getting better after this lockdown is the quantum amount of ideas that can be worked on and developed. While it’s great to have money, money loses value due to the mechanics of economics. As exchange rates go up, so does the prices of several commodities. You’d realize that you are spending so much on fewer goods. But an idea that’s right is ever valuable opening the door for more money.

A lack of creativity is the bane of any society. Opportunities are lost when citizens lack the creative eye. Because opportunities don’t appear as opportunities at initially gaze, we may be tempted to look away. If we dig deep however, we’ll find that resource of hope.

Don’t accept defeat because of what seems a gloomy atmosphere pervading this economic terrain. Present circumstances may not look promising but nothing ever is promising until we find the promise around it.

Many of the opportunities we celebrate today had never existed before now. People, by working and scratching their brains were able to create these opportunities.

Imagine. There would have been no need for drivers if Karl Benz did not build cars. there would have been no pilots, waiters and all the services that come with aeronautics if the Wright brothers did not get their airplane idea right. There would have been no need for bankers, economists, accountants, and all the work force that work in our banks if the banking system wasn’t developed. New opportunities are created out of nothing but they eventually create new opportunities for others.

Be on the lookout for new ideas that you may be pioneering. You may be leading the charge of new opportunities for millions of people. This is the ability this lockdown gives you to leverage on.