Starting All Over After a Lockdown by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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THROUGHOUT HISTORY MANY cities and even nations have experienced lockdowns, a situation in which the economic, cultural, academic and social life of citizens come to a pause. This situation has often been either caused by a rampaging communicable disease or a conflict like a war.

Lockdown isn’t a new phenomenon, but it has managed to find its way to the vocabulary of several generations because there consistently seem to be situations that trigger a decision to put society on hold.

It isn’t a great experience finding yourself in a lockdown. Everyone is indoor, children are at home, parents can’t get to work, prices of commodities are sky rocketing, hunger is rampaging, the economy slides, crime rates increases, peoples’ health depreciate and there is apprehension everywhere.

People who own businesses suffer. Businesses are shut, goods have to stay in ware houses and some become bad in the process because there are no buyers to buy. Those that manage to get buyers have to sell at far cheaper rates than they would have originally sold. They lose in the process.

Doctors and other health practitioners always have more cases in their hands. The reason is that there certainly will be an increase in the number of persons who will suffer from hypertension, high blood pressure or other heart related issues. If the lockdown is caused by a health challenge like the CORVID 19, you can expect doctors to be at the receiving end as emergency situations arrive every other minute.

No one likes a lockdown situation but when a case like the Corona Virus that has ravaged the entire world happens, government find themselves in a tight situation to choose between saving lives and saving the economy. The decision to undertake a lockdown often may not be popular and it may seem like the rights of the people are been tampered with but it often arrives as the only way to save the moment.

The economic realities during lockdowns aren’t always convenient. Every facet of the economy could easily be affected. Even when essential items and services are still been offered for sale, the reality is that no matter how much you have and how prepared one is, everyone feels the bite.

Inflation is always at its highest during lockdowns. This means that even essential services will go to those who have more money to spend. In some cities and countries, inflation has been at a rate of 500%. Surviving with this price mechanics can be very difficult.

The reality of the lockdown isn’t during the lockdown, it is after the lockdown has been eased and people begin to find their feet again. What had seemed a great business niche is no more because there are no immediate customers to buy. Many had lost their jobs so the unemployment rate increases and employers are afraid of taking workers back. People discover they have to start at ground zero, afresh.

Crime rate sky rockets due to high unemployment rate. In a bid to survive, people take to been dubious and playing pranks just to seize the moment. The competition becomes rife for opportunities that are not even available.

It often takes a while for economies to get back to full steam. But even when they do, the damage from the lockdown has been done so that it’s difficult to do away with the impacts subsequently. Things often do not return to the way they were and this means the suffering continues.

This book is written to help you survive the challenges of the lockdown. While the economic realities are on the negative, you can come through it a survivor.

The key is to stay hopeful and positive. Hope is a major factor and it becomes scarce as the challenges of lockdowns bite. You’d often hear people complain during and after it and it could be depressing hearing the groans. Certainly the high rates of suicide after previous lockdowns are proof that the period after lockdowns is even more important than surviving the lockdown itself.

While everyone is thinking how they’d get around the lockdown, you can get ahead of the pack with this quantum of knowledge at your disposal because you are not just meant to survive this lockdown, you are meant to come through it unscathed.

You’d certainly be faced with the challenges of starting all over after this lockdown. This means surviving the lockdown itself shouldn’t be the issue. But you will discover that the demographics of life before the lockdown, during the lockdown and after the lockdown are absolutely different.

If you are in a lockdown, while reading this piece, you are on solid footing. You have to plan on life after the lockdown. If you’ve just being out of a lockdown and already facing its numerous challenges, this book will certainly help you answer some of the numerous questions bugging your mind at this time.

Know this, you are meant to survive this.