Success: 30 Interviews with Entrepreneurs & Executives by Jason Navallo - HTML preview

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Mitchel Rothschild



Mitchel “Mitch” Rothschild brings two decades of entrepreneurial experience to his role as co-founder, chief perfectionist, and CEO of Vitals. Prompted by personal medical experience that could have turned out badly, Mitch helped found Vitals. Today, Vitals helps more than 150 million people annually make intelligent decisions about choosing the right healthcare provider. Combining deep data, millions of patient ratings and outof-pocket cost calculation tools, Vitals allows patients to find the highest-quality, lowestcost providers.


Prior to Vitals, Mitch founded Raspberry Red Marketing,, NetWorks, Tuff Rhino, RUSS CandyBears and Time Warner Viewer’s Edge. He has also been involved in the rapid growth of Popcorn Indiana, Blue Moon Mexican Cafe, and IT’SUGAR.


1. How do you define success?

Accomplishing whatever you set out to do, with an inner sense of satisfaction that you’ve done it.


2. What is the key to success?

Persistence, shifting the methods you need to get to your goal as situations change, and the ability to recognize when you’ve gotten there. Luck, too.


3. Did you always know you would be successful?

No, of course not. You try your best, are optimistic that you can accomplish it, have confidence that you can, but you can never be sure until it actually happens.


4. When faced with adversity, what pushes you to keep moving forward?

Eye on the goal, sense of perspective, and not letting the bad moments get you down.


5. What is the greatest lesson you’ve ever learned?

It is far easier to get forgiveness than permission. It works in business, less so in marriage.


6. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Keeping my brain and curiosity active with new and exciting things to do, and with friends and family.


7. What makes a great leader?

Clear sense of vision, clarity about how to get there, ability to inspire others to follow, and exuding a clear sense that no obstacle will stand in the way.


8. What advice would you give to college students about entering the workforce?

Decide what you really like to do with your work time, whether you prefer interacting with people, data, or things. Your first job may not get you there, but your third should.