Take Back Your Power NOW! - with Vanessa Simpkins by Vanessa Simpkins - HTML preview

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Truth be told I am very compassionate except, I have a very low threshold for subterfuge and people who are lying to themselves about being victims in life. Maybe it’s because I spent so much of my life as a victim that my deception meter is now extra sensitive. Life is just a decision. The life YOU WANT is simply just a matter of making a new decision for yourself. That’s all it is! In fact, if you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that your POWER lies in your ability to make a  decision, all your struggling, suffering, feeling stuck and sense of powerlessness, settling for less and feeling like a victim would seem like a big fat joke to you. Every day, you are always at a point of making choices or making a new decision for yourself.

You are the co-creator of your experience. By giving your power away, lying to yourself that you are somehow at the mercy of other people, circumstances and some big overpowering awful vengeful God, this is not true.

Life is very simple when you understand how to operate it and the rules by which it is governed. All of my research has shown that life works in a very different way than what we are told. Here’s the recipe. You decide and then you commit, usually in the sense of a financial commitment or something that makes it so that you are all in with no escape route and then the universe, God shows up and hands you all of the opportunities, sales, clients, doors open etc.

You see most people have this manifestation thing and goal setting deal all wrong. I talk to many people, a ton of entrepreneurs and women each week who all say the exact same thing to me. “When I have the money then I’ll do the program or when I lose the weight, then I’ll attract the right partner or when I feel more confident then I will start that new career.”

Ehhhhhhhhhh, wrong answer folks.

Here’s the deal, if you use, “I don’t have enough money,” as an excuse for not playing at the level you want to play at - guess what? It’s an excuse everywhere in your life!

Alternatively, how about, “I don’t have the time,” that’s another classic. Look, you’ll never have the money and you’ll never have the time until you decide and commit. You need to make a decision to do it and then commit. You need to make the time. Either at the end of your life, you will have your excuses or you will be celebrating your results. Which story are you giving your power to? If you’re tired of feeling like a victim then stop it. I’m here to invite you into a concept, which really proves to yourself that your power to decide and to choose a new reality for yourself is phenomenal!

When you show up, decide, commit and say YES to life (and trust me it does take courage). It’s not convenient to say yes to life and to God however, when you do, a bright, red light signal gets sent up and God is like, “Holy smokes we got a live one in isle 5, send her all she needs!” Boom, everything you need to fulfill your mission shows up. All the money, the flights, the people, circumstances and opportunities all align and never in the way had you thought it would. However, you do have to show up and say yes first to taking your Power Back. You must have the courage to step out into faith, make that decision and commit to it before anything will change for you.

Jump in with Both Feet

I had a potential client call named Nicole who is a clothing wardrobe stylist. She contacted me for help in breaking through her inner blocks in order that she could start really making some money in her business. She had been online for a few years had a website but was working way too hard for too little money. On top of that, being recently married she was afraid of spending the money on herself and her business. She told me that the investment was too much, she couldn’t afford it right now and that she could do it only in a few months. I called her out on her duplicity, explanations and excuses. “Seriously,” I told her. “You’re NEVER going to have the money, it will never be the right time and all of these are just excuses your mind is using to keep you playing safe and small. Listen, I know because I spent years there myself! You can’t lie to a past story teller of tall tales!”

A quote attributed to Albert Einstein on the truth about switching up what we do and how we can change, our mindset comes to mind, “The definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Trying to achieve something different with the same mindset will not happen and you know what? You will never figure it out on your own! If you were meant to figure it out on your own there wouldn’t be 6 billion people in the world.

Seriously, it drives me nuts, when some people tell me, “Oh you’ve given me so much to think about I’m going to change now.” Nonsense, you haven’t changed on your own over the last couple of years. What makes you think you will now without any accountability and support?

After a good self-deception talk Nicole, decide to take a chance on herself and invest in my $10k 3-day program. Soon after, she reported on the group call that she had her best week in business yet and pulled in $8,000 in sales! This is from a woman who was making just a few hundred dollars in her business.

After going through the program, Nicole wrote to say, “Following Vanessa’s simple and straightforward strategies I had the best week in my business yet, $8k and counting! THANK YOU!” Nicole.

That’s what happens when you show up for yourself, take a stand and have the courage to make a new decision that is not based on fear. Instead, you make a decision from a high place. From that place of what is possible. Listen if you make a decision based on what you know now you’ll never take any risks. The only thing standing in the way of where you are now and where you want to go is the fact that you simply don’t know what your don’t know!

Taking your Power Back is not rocket science. Because you’re reading this book, it means you’re really ready to make some profound shifts and changes in your personal power and I commend you for that! Congrats, kudos! Now let’s get you some results!

Are You Tired of Settling for Less? Well Stop It!!

When my father died, it really opened my eyes to what little time we have here on earth to do our deal. I made a decision that summer back in 2008 when I was working in the mop job that I would become the best sales person in the company and write a book about it to establish myself as an expert in spirituality, sales and the law of attraction.

I had this crazy idea while traveling through New Zealand with my sister and her boyfriend that I would buy a camper trailer and travel across Canada, live out in nature and work in all of the virgin stores no one had ever ventured into before. I would sell the most mops, become the best sales person in the company and write a book about it. The idea was born and it was time for me to get the show on the road, stop practicing selling from the stage and start my speaking career. First step; I would write a book.

Well it was a great idea but when I arrived back in Canada I totally chickened out and decided that I would just buy myself a crappy Neon car instead. The thing turned out to be a total lemon with a bad engine. My sister came back that spring to Montreal for a visit and said I was just being a chicken.

She said, “Vanessa I can’t believe you’re chickening out! You have to do this!”

I was scared. I mean come on, who in their right mind travels across Canada selling mops, sleeping in trailer parks as a woman, all alone? Come on, I’ve never even tried a camper trailer in my life, what a ridiculous idea!

She was right though. I just needed to do it. Next, I get the money back for the lemon Neon and I go trailer camper shopping and buy a $4,500 camper trailer. I organize with the mop company my first day in a store in northern Ontario for June 15, which was just a couple weeks away.

Next, I ask my mechanic guys, what kind of vehicle should I buy? They tell me, “Vanessa you get yourself a Dodge Caravan with a 3.3 liter engine - those baby’s are indestructible! The engines are bullet proof and will last you a lifetime and you’ll be able to pull that big 2,000 pound trailer of yours up those mountains no problem!”

Ok, so I set off to buy myself a Dodge Caravan 3.3-liter engine. I looked in newspapers, scoured the internet and with just 48 hours left before I was supposed to be starting in my first store I started to panic! I couldn’t find the right vehicle to pull this camper trailer!

I was like hey God; I need your help to manifest this one-of a kind vehicle today! Man let’s get the show on the road here!

That night, I pulled out all my bag of tricks - I get clear on what I want, I pray, I meditate, I put on this alpha brain wave meditation music and get into a state of high awareness with my hands on my heart and visualize myself driving across Canada in this minivan. The whole nine- yards. Finally, I go to sleep and when I wake up, I do it all over again ….then I go online to search.

I open the car ads and the third line down it reads, ‘Dodge Caravan 3.3 liter engine for sale’. Hey what do you know, it’s located only 10 minutes away from where I live. I called the guy up and arranged to meet him right away. I picked it up, drive it straight to my car mechanic who checks out the vehicle and he gives it the A-OK, go to the license bureau, exchange plates and meet my cousin there to give him my old car. By 10:30 am, I am back at home sitting in my kitchen looking out the window at my brand-new (slightly used) Dodge Caravan with a 3.3-liter engine that I got at the perfect price. It came with a hitch already installed, for my camper trailer and a $400 GPS system perfect for my cross-country road mission. He had forgotten the GPS in the glove box as well as a brand new pair of rad Chanel sunglasses with the price tag still on under the driver’s seat that I discovered several weeks later to my delight and surprise!

Bam, I love it when God delivers at the 11th hour!! Amazing! What manifested was way more than I even asked for.

Launch Yourself into the Abyss and Let God The Universe Catch You!

I left Montreal on time with trailer attached. Bear in mind I had never driven a camper trailer before, let alone operated one. I had invested all my money and had $200 left in my bank account. It was enough to get me through the first week on the road, gas money to get there before my next paycheck. Remember I had no credit card to run to because I had declared bankruptcy.

It All Worked Out, I Was a Huge Hit in All the Stores! SUCCESS!

The first stop I worked at was in Sault Ste. Marie, then Timmins and Thunder Bay, Ontario. Next, I hit Winnipeg, Manitoba and began making my first $900 days in the department stores. The mop company would ship the stage and the product on skids before I arrived the day after. The next morning I would go into the story early, roll up my sleeves and set up the stage with the guys from shipping. The following day, I’d put on my fancy pants and start selling.

Before long there was a rumor spreading across the store chain in the head office about this mop lady, Vanessa Simpkins and her miraculous sales! They all wanted to have me in their stores selling mops and doing the demos. Imagine that my claim to fame is in the form of a mop….amazing! I wrote the book, From Bankrupt to $900 a Day Selling Mops in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan the following year on another epic journey across Canada.

That book is about helping entrepreneurs master their mind set and breakthrough the fear around sales and fear around selling. It’s also about overcoming the fear of rejection, the fear of failure and it comes with some rock solid sales and marketing tips every entrepreneur needs to know about.

Here is the point to all of this. Women are feeling the Call, the pull to step out, break out into something new and it takes courage to answer that call. It’s a road map without a recipe - the recipe is an inner listening and honoring that small voice within that might look very crazy to the rest of the world. Answer it! Have the courage to go for it! Make the decision to see where it will take you and I promise everything will all work out!

What’s your alternative? Settling for less than the absolute best life has to offer you, that’s what. Your higher self, God, Universe, that life force is calling YOU to show up to a place knowing that it already exists or you wouldn’t have the idea in the first place. Most people are forced into taking that leap of faith only when the pain of remaining the same outweighs the fear of what might happen should you fail. You have to trust and I know it can be very scary but, oh so worth it!!

Mentors and Coaches

If you want to shave years off your learning curve, hire a mentor or a coach or seek the advice of someone who has done what you want to do successfully. Some of the best decisions I have made have been investing in my education and me. I am constantly learning and staying accountable to others to help me reach my goals. Without someone, there I could put things off. Heck ya, even me;; I procrastinate if I don’t have anyone holding me to making my deadlines.

Make sure that when you explore hiring someone to help you or hiring a coach or mentor that you are a good personality match and number two they’ve got the track record to prove they are really a master in their field  of expertise - meaning they’ve done what you are setting out to do.

Trust me you will save yourself thousands of hours of frustration and toil and cut years off your learning curve. Get into the habit and mindset of asking for the support and help you need. Mostly, if you really want to make a permanent change, claim your Power Back, decide and commit - go all in - invest in your success! I guarantee you’ll get results you can be proud of!