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3 - Third Step – Celebrate


Be happy now!


Yes, we have to dream, set goals and take action. But we should also celebrate what we already have.


Take out a piece of paper and write down 10 things you are grateful for. Read them a few times and feel grateful for them. You’re not starting from nothing; you have something to start from.


“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”

 - Oprah Winfrey


We all have something to be grateful for. Even if you think you have nothing, you still have something. If you’re aware of having or not, then you already have that. Start there and build on it.


Being grateful is needed to celebrate. You can’t celebrate without it. So, be grateful and celebrate now for what you already have.


“Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.”

- Oprah Winfrey



A. Simple is OK


When you celebrate a success, you only need something nice to treat yourself. It doesn’t have to be expensive. As long as you acknowledge your success and smile thinking of it, then it’s good.


Let’s say you like a glass of wine from time to time. Then your treat could be to have a glass of wine when you have reached your weekly goals. It could be to listen to a movie. Anything that is not related to building your business. If it makes you happy it will be just fine.


You must acknowledge you are celebrating. It has to be clear in your head.


You don’t have to do this with others.


B. Larger goal and Hanker


When you reach a larger goal, make it a special celebration.


Hanker it.


One way to do so is to take a night out. It could also be a weekend in a special place to relax and have fun. Or even set up a large party with all the people that helped you to reach that big goal.


When it’s something that you worked hard for, then it’s worth celebrating.


Hanker it in time. Have a good picture, something engrave or a special gift that you can put on a wall to remember that success.


A Hanker is a great thing to have; it will help you remember that you can accomplish great things. Sometimes, we need to look at that Hankers to keep going on when things get rough.


The small goals that you reach daily will keep you going on. But the Hankers will fire you up on long term.


Hankers are precious to you. It’s a personal stuff. That’s why you should keep them to yourself. You share the ones that are done with others, Team Hankers can become a big help to all.

C. The good words


Celebrate the achievement of others as they come to your knowledge. Never pass a chance to celebrate their success.


Be grateful for the achievement of others. They show you that it can be done.


Most of us are not use to this. So, we have to train ourselves.


You could start out with saying some good words to stranger you meet. Find something about them that you can praise. Always tell the truth and be nice to them. Do your best to be the shining moment of their day. This will help you develop your capacity to find the good in everything.


Our starting capacity to find something good to say to stranger are different for each of us. Some will be good from the start and others will have to do a lot more work. But in the end, the ones who will do it as often as they can; they will become the shining light into the life of many people.


Don’t under estimate the power of those few good words. They’ll change the life of the people you tell them to. Those people will remember you all their life. You’ll bring a positive energy into their life and it will do the same for you.