Take Control by Serge Cote - HTML preview

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Learning success


Learning is great. But doing is always better.


“You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.”

- Richard Branson


We all need to start up with the learning. Some will learn fast and some will be slower. It doesn’t matter, because it’s what they do with what they learned that will make an impact.


In the end, the doers will always take the lead on the idle learner. Learning from the experience of other is great, but it won’t ever be as great as learning from your own experiences also.


The more you’ll do the better your special alarm senses will become. That special sense will tell you if one thing is better than the other. That special sense cannot come from the experience of others; you have to build it on your own.


About that special sense, I have a story to tell you.




My wife was working as a dispatch for a security alarm company.


On that night, she was working as usual and doing her job. You have to understand that 98% of the alarms are false. So, to have a positive alarm is really rare. They were taking care of many thousands of signals in a shift.


Among all those alarms, she got one alarm for fire detection in a snack bar. She sent the fire department and went on with the other alarms. The fire department came back and reports that there was no fire in there. She felt that something was wrong. She got a few more alarm from that place and she got that feeling that something was wrong. So she called back the fire department and told them that she kept getting an alarm and something was strange with that alarm coming back again and again.


So the fireman got back to the snack bar and did some other test. They tested the place for gas and found out that there was a leak in there. It was a major leak. If it would have exploded, it would have been a major disaster.


In some way, she followed her feeling and saved many people. The feeling was good because she understood how the alarm where working and she had experience on the job. If this would have happen in her first week, she would not have pushed it further after the first check up from the fire department.




We all need to start up with some learning. Those who don’t take the time to learn the basics first will have to learn it while doing it.


The problem with learning is there’s a lot of people that can’t take the next step into doing.


You’ll have to find your edge in this. Some will need a lot of time and some a lot less.


It’s ok to take the time you need. Because, in the end the ones who are doing and keep on doing will be the one to succeed.


You need to keep on doing. A mixt of doing and learning is the best.


A lot of people who quits, do it because they don’t have the tools needed to keep going (or they don’t understand how to use them). They don’t know what they should do. This is why you need to learn the basic first.


You should keep on learning as you are doing. It will help you face the problem you’ll get on the way to reaching for your goal.


Learning the basics is like building a strong foundation for your project. It will not assure you of success, but it’s a good way to start.


“There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.”

- Jiddu Krishnamurti


There’s no end to learning, even if you think you don’t have anything more to learn, you’ll learn anyway.


“The brighter you are, the more you have to learn.”

- Don Herold


Some very intelligent people think they know enough. That’s one more thing they’ll have to learn, that they have to keep on learning to the level of their capacity.


The end of your learning is directly linked to the end of your life.