![All New Design](/resources/img/allnew.png)
Idea into reality
How many good ideas have you left undone?
How many times have you left someone else earned a lot of money with a product that you thought wasn’t good enough for the market?
The reality is “You were afraid to do it”.
Whatever the excuses you choose, it will all come down to one thing, you were afraid.
How can we learn to go over our fear so we can be as successful as we should be?
- The first thing to do is to acknowledge there’s a fear involve. If you don’t acknowledge your fears, you can’t work on them
- The second thing is to identify the fear. Don’t skip this step.
- The third thing is to understand why you have that fear. You need to understand the root of that fear. This is one of the hardest parts. On top of that fear, there’s a lot of justification that has been put there. Justifications are usually seen as a good thing. But, when we think about it, we can understand that they’re just tools to help us reason about not taking action and face our fear.
- The last thing is to face your fear. Among all these steps, this is the hardest one. Look at all the people that are successful, they all do what most won’t. If you want to be among them, you’ll have to face your fear.
The stronger the fear, the harder it will be to overcome them. You could be in need of the help of someone else to take care of them. If you have the budget, you could use a coach or a specialist like a psychologist.
“Action is the foundational key to all success.”
- Pablo Picasso
Take action to get out of the fear zone. It’s better to start and work on it then to put it on the side for another day.
Taking action now will make all the difference in the end.
“To fight fear, act. To increase fear - wait, put off postpone.”
- David Joseph Schwartz
One more thing about idea. You should put them on paper as they come to you.
“Don’t think it! Ink it!”
- Mark Victor Hansen
Ideas tend to come and go. That's why we all need to write them down. Even if they're not complete, you can do that later. It's better to write something that you'll change later then to forget it.
Books, note pad, voice recorder, cell phone, computer, type writer, tablets or toilet paper; whatever you can use to write it down.
Ideas are the mortar that will help you build your wealth. Don't take them lightly.
Come back and revise them. Do this at least once a week.
Keep them safe and make copies so they'll be secure.
You don’t know what could come out of them.