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Smiling to life


Smiling will improve your day. It will have a benefit influence on your life.


You can force yourself to smile, but its way better when it comes naturally. Good reason can be very helpful.


This is the List of 10 Smiling Stimulant.


1. Green paradise

Living plants can bring a smile to your face. Taking care of them can calm you and create a bond. Build your green paradise at home. You don’t need a large garden, one flower on the table is good enough.


2. Magic of water

Clean water is not only needed to live, but it’s also a source of peace. Have you notice that you smile when you take a bath or a shower? Water could be a very good inspiration to help you change your mood of the moment. The relaxing sound of flowing water can also help you.


3. Feeling music

We all have some music that makes us smile. When your spirit is down, put some music that will lift it up. There’s some great recording of natures that could be a good option also. Whatever you like, use it as often as you can.


4. Good memories

You should make a list of the good memories bringing a smile on your face. Have that list with you all the time. When you feel you need a mood boost, you pic something from the list and relive it in your head. The more you’ll get back to them, the more vivid they’ll stay in your mind. Making a list will help you get back to them often so you won’t forget them. They are precious and you should cherish them.


5. Loving family and friends

Be around people that are bringing a smile on your face. You know who they are.


6. Stimulating knowledge

Did you notice the joy you feel when you learn a piece of knowledge that is helping you. Learning can bring a smile on your face. It doesn’t have to be complicated.


7. Joy to give

Giving should bring a smile on your face. If it don’t, then you should look deep inside you and find out why. Most of the time, when giving isn’t bringing a smile on your face it’s because you expect something in return. If you expect something in return, then you are not really giving.


8. Bliss of creating

When you create, you leave your mark in reality. Creating is all about making choices and producing something. It can be as simple as putting 3 words on a paper. You don’t have to be a top musician or a best seller author to feel the bliss of creating. As long as you feel good about what you did, you are into the flow of it.


9. Boy scout help

When you see someone needing help, do it. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Holding the door for someone who’s got a big box in their arms, helping someone to pick up something they drop, giving a helping hand to someone who’s needing it and anything that you can do to help someone else.


10.  Unconditional love from pets

Pets will love you without reserve. Playing with your pet will bring a smile on your face.


Use the power of smiling in your life. People that are smiling on the phone find out that the person on the other end will notice it.   Smiling People are treated better than those who don’t. 


It’s all up to you.


Choose to smile and do whatever you can to bring it into your life.


“You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just smile.”

- Charlie Chaplin