Take Two by Brian Otachi Nyakundi - HTML preview

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Chapter 2


When it is planting season, all farmers prepare there land. They get it ready for planting. The farmer does not start this preparation and work unless he has accomplished one very important task. He first of all decides what he wants to harvest.

I learnt that for you to prepare your land accordingly, you must know what it is that you intend to plant. This is simply because, different crops need different types of field preparation, for instance; to plant sweet potatoes you need deep digging compared to when you are planting maize. Carrots need you to take away stones from the soil you shall be planting in so as to yield a good harvest, long and fleshy carrots.

In short, you need to know what you want. Know the end before you begin and that will help you to know what to plant. There are also different seed grades for different soils and different yields. Being clear on your goals or visions will determine the kind of seed you shall plant. Not knowing what you want will stop you from getting to where you want to go. You must be clear with what your expected outcome is if you intend to get there.

A friend of mine once told me, „Brian I have a problem choosing a career. I don't like the one am in and I don't know which way to go, can you please advice me? Nobody had asked me such a question before so I took a few minutes pause to think. I didn't want to rush into the thousands of possible great careers that may make someones life comfortable; I wanted to tell him something that would change his life.

At that moment I realized that it wasn't in somebodys ability to know what, even for their brother, may be the best career. Soon after this I found out a way that I could help since the only way you can help such a person is by advising them to consider their fields of interest and leave the rest to them to think through and that which shall please them the most they should choose so long as they choose by/for themselves.

“I want to give you a simple test,” I answered. “I want you to answer the question I shall ask you, and write it down,” I continued as I passed him a clean plain paper. “Write down anything and everything you want in life and take your time”.

He looked at me and was like “write down …mm... ok!” He took the paper and pen courageously since I had told him that the first step to getting anything you want is for you to write that thing down. I told him not to worry about how hell get it or where to get the money to buy that. He comfortably wrote down one (1) and followed it by a full stop and as he tried to write down the beginning of the first point he made a much unexpected discovery, He didn't know what he wanted!


If you asked some people around you (even start with you) to write the same down you'll be amazed that we are talking, dreaming and desiring a good life but we exactly don't know what we want. If you don't know where you are going, how then will you know when you get there or how can you ask for direction and help to get there?

After knowing who you are, now then it is time to have a clear picture of what you want. Someone said that if you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there. Be clear about the things that make you happy. Go beyond this and think about something that will make you and the people around you happy. God blesses us to become a blessing so think beyond your own boundaries.


Think of something that will solve the problems of other people. Your purpose is attached to helping other people solve their problems. All wealthy people are doing something that solves a problem in the society or fills a gap that needs to be filled up. Re –visit your childhood dreams that never died. Awaken the visions you thought were impossible to achieve. Every problem is a business opportunity, when you solve it, you will earn a profit in return. Therefore, the thing that will truly make us happy and rich is the act of eradicating other peoples sadness and problems. God made us all different from one another so that when you bring us all together we become perfect. Make sure your goals include others. Robert G. Allen in his book „The one minute millionaire calls these people enlightened millionaires; those who succeed through helping and adding value into other peoples lives.

Second , write them down, and I insist that you should write it down. Our mind at times behaves like the Random Access Memory [RAM] of the computer meaning, once switched off it loses all the memory that wasn't saved yet, some things especially those that are the devils targets don't last long in our memory. He will mix us up until we remember no more.

The next reason we should write down is that whenever you see something repeatedly, it does something to your subconscious mind. It becomes like a seed. This is simply because it paints the real picture in the subconscious mind and the subconscious mind doesn't differentiate between real and not real. So if you have been there in the mind you'll be there in the physical.

When thinking of what you want out of life or in this life, don't come up with ideas just because you want them to align with somebody elses or maybe to make them sound religious or make you sound good. Allow the wildest of your dreams to be the desires of your heart. Always remember that the ability to tap to your greatest of potential will come when you dedicate your desire to what makes you the happiest. This helps you even in the future when you feel like giving up. don't try to please anyone so long as your dreams & desires don't hurt anyone either. Think wide, dream; its free to, and then write them down.

Someone may be thinking, how then can I get rid of bad thoughts and focus on good ones? Or how can you dream big? My answer is; get around where its better, and change your friends if they are the bad friends. Walk into shopping malls & supermarkets and checkout those valuable goods (furniture/electronics) that you desire to own. When you are walking to or from work /school or market, look around and see the cars you want to drive, go even to show rooms and take test drives.

The third step is to talk about it . Let people call you crazy when you are talking of things that look like impossibilities. Let them laugh but they will come to you later and it will be your turn to laugh. Let them call you crazy but five years from today they will still be calling you crazy but you will be living in the better side of town. Let them call you that crazy broke person but in two years they will change your title to „that crazy person with a lot of money. there's power in what you talk. What you confess you will posses. Your words reveal your thoughts. So what you talk shows what you believe.

Thoughts become things and this brings me to the last point, make sure that you feel good about the whole process.

This is part of the sowing. This is that state after you have prepared the field; you begin to choose the seeds you'll plant. Its the same as if you want a maize plant, plant maize. For a farmer who has planned for the planting season and has the idea of profits out making the most of it, he selects carefully what kind of seeds will yield the harvest he requires. Same as we should prepare the right seed to plant for a desired harvest. The seeds are the pictures we see, the voices and words we hear and the thoughts we entertain. 


Thoughts have been proved to be energy in quantum Physics and therefore they emit frequency. The easiest way I can explain this is by challenging you to ask yourself what makes one tired after thinking a lot? What makes one cut weight when they think a lot especially over something bad? I think you understand me now. Well, thoughts have a frequency which is sent out to the universe since they are energy and energy attracts more of the same so good thoughts attract good things. This has been summarized in the law of attraction which states that whatever it is that you hold continuously in your mind in pictures or clips the same shall you draw to yourself. While studying this principle I learnt that the process of creation is going on everywhere. If our thoughts are going to bring something out of them, are we not in control of what we can create? If we think of poverty we attract poverty.

The law doesn't favor the „good or „bad, if a thought is bad it will still attract that bad thing and vice versa. Now when you feel good about your desires, you attract more things that make you feel good and you'll also attract the way to reach your dreams if you keep yourself in the frequency (thoughts) of you, already having it.

Take some time everyday and think about the things you have written down. Remember to concentrate on the end results alone. don't think about how you'll get there; feel like you could have felt if you had it today. Have big dreams that will blow your mind when they come to pass. Then try to eliminate worry by all means. Watch comedies; laugh because when you are happy you are creating a future that is on line with your expectations. Remember creation is taking place even right now as long as you're thinking so why don't you change your thoughts into good thoughts to plant good seeds for a good harvest tomorrow.

Nothing just happens. Stop waiting for a miracle and start creating one. You have to deliberately decide to change the course towards which your life shall take. Miracles normally follow those who are moving. There are so many problems around us and therefore it means that there are so many opportunities around us. Are you frustrated about looking for a job? Create jobs yourself by starting ventures that will employ others. It doesn't have to be something very big, you don't have to be the one doing it, and someone else looking for a job could work for you. Whether you are in college or working or unemployed, there are so many ventures you can get started with. Many which can start using very little capital.

You have all the answers you need and remember that if you want to reach your ultimate goal, the place to start is where you are, with what you have. God shall multiply the little that you have if you are faithful with it.

Once again, don't move to the next chapter until you finish the exercises shared in this chapter about writing down what you want.