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Prison Visitors

As much as prisoners are locked in, they still need to keep in touch with the outside world. Prison Service therefore has an initiative of recruiting prison visitors who play a role of connecting the prisoners with the outside world. Such visitors are encouraged to be friendly and give the prisoners the moral support they deserve.

• Fundraising

Al charitable organizations have a lot of work that need to be funded. Fundraising volunteers have always been of help when it comes to such as this helps with helping income level used to fund charity work. This can simply be done by developing new ideas which can generate income, rattling a collection bucket, running events, or getting involved in educational visits to school. Any other whichever way that you can think of that will prove helpful will highly be appreciated.

• Campaigning, Event Organizing, Public Speaking, Marketing

Volunteers who can do all these are largely relied on by many organizations who need their work to travel across the wider community. Some organizations would appreciate volunteers who are already skilled to tackle this range of activities. Quite a number of organizations also provide training so that the volunteers can be able to develop these skills.

• Environment Conservation

There are a lot of opportunities that can help you volunteer in terms of conserving your local environment. Some of these opportunities involve practical work including creating wildlife habitats, planting trees, and constructing footpaths among many others. This can help you learn a lot about conservation and wildlife.

DIY Projects

Many charities have a lot of practical work going on including gardening, decorating, repair and maintenance of their properties. Volunteers can contribute to such work and benefit these organizations. Those who do not have enough skills can be expertly supervised. Those who have enough experience are also encouraged to apply.

• Magistrates

Volunteering as a magistrate does not require any special qualifications. Magistrates fall under the Ministry of Justice and the crucial role they play includes making very vital decisions that could change the life of a defendant and also have an impact on others in the community. All they require is to have great personal qualities and dedicate their time in dealing with less serious criminal cases, issues affecting children and families (non-criminal), or licensing applications. All that is required is the consideration of evidence provided so that a final verdict can be reached.

Benefits of Volunteering

Getting to know the benefits of volunteering is also one of the steps that will lead you to know and find the best volunteering opportunities that can work well with you. So here are 7 benefits that will make you not to even think twice about volunteering;

• Confidence gain

In most cases, volunteering might require you to try something new that will lead you up the steps of achievement. While trying out something new, you gain a lot of confidence that will help you explore better opportunities and achieve a lot of stuff that you never thought you could imagine.

Making a difference

Volunteering helps you to make a real difference because in the process, you will be impacting a lot of lives positively. Individual people, communities, and organizations will definitely feel the change you’ve brought on board.

• Networking

While volunteering you can meet a lot of people and make a lot of friends. It is however not just about friends. You can also make real connections with great people while expanding your networking web. This will help you a lot in future.

• Sense of belonging

Only your friends and family do not total up your social scope. Volunteering will enable you to widen your social scope and make you feel like a part of a greater community out there. This will genuinely give you a sense of belonging.

• Acquiring new skills

Through volunteering, you’ll be getting involved in a lot of activities that will help you learn acquire new skills. In addition, you will be able to get a lot of experience which might help you in any other area of your life or in various qualifications.

• Taking on a challenge

Volunteering is a great way of taking on a challenge since you will be trying out something different that will enable you to achieve personal goals. While taking on the challenge, you will find a great opportunity of using the skills you always had. Through this kind of practice, you will be able to discover a lot of hidden talents.

It is just fun

Many people have their own reasons why they are volunteering. Whatever the reason, the fact is that they are having a great time while participating in such noble work. It is simply fun!

Reasons for Volunteering

If volunteering has never been your resolution, then here are some of the reasons that will help you resolve to volunteer;

• Health benefits

You might be wondering how volunteering could have a positive impact on your health. Well, it’s very simple. While you have resolved to help other people, it simply means that you’ve stopped focusing on your problems while focusing on others who need help. This will automatically reduce your stress levels, strengthen your immune system, and improve your self-worth. You will start viewing life in a new perspective and gain immense satisfaction. Why is this so? While you help others, you will definitely replace negative emotions with positive vibes and a sense of purpose.

• Career Booster

Volunteering helps you to become more innovative and acquire more skills. This helps you increase the chances of widening your career prospects. Such kinds of experiences benefit both you as an individual and the employer.

• Making a Difference

Volunteering makes a difference in the community through the services you are providing. This helps you employ civic responsibility which will create change