Namaste is a Sanskrit word. It means I bow to you. You will hear that often.
The loose translation for Namaste is, “As the spirit in me sees the spirit in you is the same and I bow to that.”
This is a typical greeting for hello and good-bye, which is what I am bidding you now.
By this point you should feel as if you can choose different meditation styles. You should have a well-rounded idea of the benefits of meditation and which meditation styles are most helpful in a variety of situations.
Knowing how to meditate also means that you know there is no wrong way to do it. You can combine different meditative styles, use one at a time or come up with your very own form of meditation.
The biggest goal in meditation is to have a bridge that unites your mind, body and spirit. It unites you with the Cosmic; however you choose to see it.
I will leave you with a story. This story is helpful to remember that meditation is a personal path. Your path is perfect for you.
After years of concentrating on a particular mantra the self-acclaimed guru began to teach others to meditate the “right” way. He heard of a famous old man that lived alone on an island nearby. He was known for his meditative lifestyle. The guru wanted to challenge him to see if his meditation was “right”.
The guru made the journey to the island, where the old man invited him for tea. The conversation was directed to meditation and they each shared their styles. The guru felt acknowledged hearing that the old man used the same mantra he used. He was then horrified to hear how the old man said it completely wrong.
Noticing the look of horror on the guru’s face, the old man asked him what was wrong. The guru said, “You have foolishly wasted your entire life saying the mantra wrong. Your meditation is simply no good.” The old man raised his eyebrows in concern and asked the guru what it should be instead.
The guru proudly repeated the mantra the “right” way. The old man thanked him graciously and their visit continued uneventfully. On the way off the island, the guru shook his head thinking it was a shame that the old man had been wrong his entire life.
When the guru was in his boat in the middle of the lake, the old man appeared out of nowhere. It seems as if he had forgotten what the guru had told him about the mantra. In complete shock, the guru repeated it to him. The old man thanked him and left.
The guru stared in astonishment long into the night, at the point where he lost sight of the old man. The old man slowly disappeared from view, repeating the mantra the “right” way as he walked on the surface of the water back to his island.
About the Author:
Tracy Morrow wants to encourage others in their pursuit of health and happiness, whatever that may personally look like. You can learn more about her at