The Drunken Traveler by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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I HAD been working in Taiwan for a year or so when I decided I needed to take two weeks off as a vacation. My boss didnt ask any questions because I told him it was a personal matter I needed to take care of. He said that we would not tell anybody in the company. I was going to just try to check my emails once in a while and try to keep things moving along and it wouldnt be counted as a vacation.

I flew to Koh Samui where I could cleanse and get off the bottle. I went through the whole routine of fasting for a week and colonic irrigations, taking all the supplements and the juices and the chicken broth for dinner. We had to drink lots of water and this stuff we mixed in that puffed up in the stomach to keep you from feeling hungry. Even though I wasnt eating the first week I actually felt better than I had in a long time and I had plenty of energy. I would walk several kilometers a day, and at times jog on the beach.

There were plenty of activities planned during the day so we were always busy, although there was time to stretch out on a hammock with a book. Mornings were meditation time, yoga, and a light weight training class. After that everyone was scheduled for massages in the afternoon. Later there would be some nutrition classes and quite often Thai cooking classes. After dinner, or broth if you were fasting, it was time for the steam room to sweat out all those toxins. Ten minutes in the steam then outside to a freezing shower, in for another ten, then shower again, then back into to finish baking until the meat was ready to fall off the bone.

Everyone was finished up about 7:30 in the evening and we would sit around and talk for a bit, or as I did, usually go back to my bungalow and read a book until about 10. Then go to sle