The First Victory by Tiwayi - HTML preview

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"A man who dares waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life."

- Charles Darwin


I'm a huge fan of movie blockbusters, but I never go to see one without reading several reviews first. I have to be sure that it's good before I pay my hard -earned money and spend a minimum of two hours plunked in a seat wearing ridiculous-looking 3D glasses.

A lot of people would agree with me: watching a movie is a waste of time in itself - watching a bad movie makes it worse. It's hours of your life that you'll never take back, plus most theatres have a no refund policy.

However, it isn't our money we should be worried about getting back, but our time. You can make m ore money tomorrow, but you can't replace the time you lose. There's no 'refund'. Once your time is spent - that's it.

Time is your most precious currency. Spend it wisely.