The First Victory by Tiwayi - HTML preview

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DAY 337

The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those that fail."



DAY 338

It's so hard when contemplated in advance, and so easy when you just do it."

- Robert M. Pirsig (about forming positive habits)


DAY 339

Somebody is always doing what somebody else said couldn't be done. A brilliant idea without action is like Mark McGwire playing baseball without a bat."

- Jack Canfield


DAY 340

"Man alone has the power to trans!er his thoughts into physical reality; man alone can dream and make his dreams come true."

- Napoleon Hill


DAY 341

"Success never comes to look !or you while you wait around. You've got to get up and work at it to make your dreams come true."

- Poh Yu Khing


DAY 342

"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like nobody is watching."

- Mark Twain


DAY 343

You must see your goals clearly and specifically before you can set out for them. Hold them in your mind until they become second nature."

- Les Brown