The First Victory by Tiwayi - HTML preview

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"What great thing would you attempt If you knew you could not fail?"

Robert H. Schuller


Whenever we try to do something unconventional or scary, we tend to ask ourselves, "What if it fails?" We think about the embarrassment and the waste of time it would be if we don't succeed. Usually this results in either aiming for a fraction of the proposed outcomes, or giving up altogether in fear of failure. Instead of hoping for the best, we hope that it's not too bad.

But what if you succeeded? What if you stopped aiming for singles, went for a homerun and knocked it out of the park? If it was guaranteed that you would succeed, what challenge would you take on?

We may not succeed all the time, but at least you will fall on the top of a mountain if you aim for the stars. Every great innovation we enjoy today were a result of people who dared to think out of the box and try. Other people said it wouldn't work, but they tried it anyway, because it just might. No risk, no reward.