The First Victory by Tiwayi - HTML preview

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The only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday."

- Unknown


I don't care who you are - whenever you reunite with people from your past - you can't help but take a snapshot of their life and compare it to your own. Maybe you just met an old schoolmate, or an ex- lover, but the fact that remains is that time has passed since you last met, and you're curious as to how your life holds up against theirs. It's human nature. However, we should not use the lives of others as a yard stick for ours, because we all have a different purpose in this life. Picture life as an exam, and each and every one of us is given a different question paper. You cannot compare or copy your answer s from your neighbor because you all have different questions.

You will only fuel insecurity if you compare your 'behind-the-scenes' with someone else's 'highlight reel.' People will always have their best foot forward especially those who know you. You have to live YOUR life and run your own race, staying within your lane and respecting other people's lanes.