The First Victory by Tiwayi - HTML preview

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DAY 85

To listen is to know for a moment. To hear is to know forever."

- Dana Cowley


DAY 86

You cannot always control your circumstances, but you can always control your own thoughts."

- Charles E. Popplestone


DAY 87

If you look for the truth outside yourself, it gets farther and farther away."

- Tung Shan


DAY 88

"Laugh at yourself, but don't ever aim your doubt at yourself. Be bold. When you embark for strange places, don't leave any of yourself safely on shore. Have the nerve to go into unexplored territory."

- Wayne Rogers


DAY 89

"An invincible determination can accomplish almost anything and in this lies the great distinction between great men and little men."

- Thomas Fuller


DAY 90

"When we change our perception we gain control. Stress becomes a challenge, not a threat. When we commit to action, to actually doing something rather than feeling trapped by events, the stress in our life becomes manageable."

- Greg Anderson


DAY 91

"Some people have greatness thrust upon them. Few have excellence thrust upon them...They achieve it. They do not achieve it unwittingly by doing what comes naturally and they don't stumble into it in the course of amusing themselves. All excellence involves discipline and tenacity of purpose."

- John William Gardner