The First Victory by Tiwayi - HTML preview

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"The harder the con!lict, the more glorious the triumph."

Thomas Paine


In his book, Words for Courageous Living, Neal Carson shares an interesting observation:

"A bar of steel worth $5 when made into horse shoes is worth $10. If one takes the same bar of steel and makes it into needles it is worth $350. If it is made into pocket knife blades = $32,000. BUT, if you take that $5 bar of steel and make it into springs for watches it is worth $250,000. Wow, what a difference a process makes!!"

We all go through tough times - we don't choose to experience problems - but we can choose whether they make or break us. I'm sure a lot of people have at least once bought something using a crumpled note from their pocket or wallet. The note does not lose its value because it has been crumpled up, but it does if it gets torn. Do not let struggles tear you up, but stay strong and become all the better for it.