The First Victory by Tiwayi - HTML preview

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"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

Winston Churchill


One of three things has happened by now:

1.You have developed the habit of excellence and success in completing your goals a nd notice significant improvements in your lifestyle

2. Your main objectives are huge, but you have achieved a little progress, and each week brings you a little closer to your dream

3. You fell off the wagon somewhere along the line, or things did not work out as you planned and you don't see any change as yet

In all three cases, I will say to you that your work is far from over. If you're improving, congratulations! But keep seeking opportunities to grow. If you're making baby steps, well, big shots are just little shots that kept shooting. And if you've failed, then pick yourself up and press on, forgetting what lies behind but remembering the lessons you've learnt.