The First Victory by Tiwayi - HTML preview

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"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."

Henry Ford


Horses have peripheral vision, which means they can end up running off course in a race, unless they are made to remain focused. Blinders are small squares of firm leather that attach to the bridle at the side of the horse's head.

Some say that blinders were invented when a preacher had a wager with one of his friends. The preacher bet that his horse could walk up the stairs in his home, which the horse did with no problem at all. But, when he tried to coax the horse down again, it wouldn't budge! So, the preacher covered the horses head and lead him down. He realized that covering all or part of the horse's vision could encourage the horse to take chances it would not normally take.

This is the same with us. When we take our eyes of the goal, we see the challenges surrounding it, and become afraid. This week, I encourage you to put your blinders on and focus on the prize.