The First Victory by Tiwayi - HTML preview

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"Somehow we've come to believe that greatness is only for the chosen few, for the superstars. The truth is, greatness is for us all. This is not about lowering expectations; it's about raising them for every last one of us. Greatness is not in one special place, and it's not in one special person. Greatness is wherever someone is trying to find it."

- Unknown


"Basketball isn't easy. All my life I've been striving to make myself better. It's a full time commitment. To be the best, you have to work the hardest. You have to chase what seems impossible over and over and over again. Cause giving up is not an option, and when you feel like you've reached your limit, it's only the beginning, that's when it's time to dig deep, to find the courage to push some more, because if you've got the drive, the discipline, and the resolve to do what it takes to make yourself great, then the rewards are endless." These are the words of LeBron James, one of the greatest NBA players of all time. His monologue doesn't only apply to basketball, but to life in general. If you REALLY want to be great and do what it takes, then you will eventually get there, no matter who you are or where you're from.