The First Victory by Tiwayi - HTML preview

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"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!"

-   Audrey Hepburn


The practice of taking food from another animal's kill is called kleptoparasitism, and it is very common among certain species of wild animals.

However, there are humans also taking part in the behavior on a regular basis - the Maasai people of East Africa - and they steal prey away from ravenous lions. They achieve this seemingly impossible feat by strolling confidently towards a group of lions in a trio. At first, nothing happens, but when the lions see the confident humans approaching them, they flea for their lives, leaving their kill behind for the Maasai hunters to strip.

The 'impossible' presents itself to us as a lion, tightly clenching our prize in its deadly jaws. It takes the person with a firm belief in oneself to walk up to the beast confidently and snatch it away from them. Everything is impossible, until it is done, and you are the one to do it.