The First Victory by Tiwayi - HTML preview

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"Great acts are made up 0f sma11 deeds."

Lao Tzu


The Great Wall of China is also known as the wanli changcheng, or Long Wall of 10,000 Li (a li is a measure of distance, approximately 1/3 of a mile). The main wall is around 2,145 miles (3,460 km) long with an extra 1,770 miles (2,860 km) of branches and spurs.

It is the longest man-made structure in the world.

This structure is not one continuous wall that was built at once, but a series of smaller sections that were built over different dynasties. Each section was mostly built out of stone, bricks, tamped earth and wood. Everything can be broken down to its basic elements, no matter how large or complex. The basic unit of life is the cell, matter can be broken down to molecules and atoms, and energy can be broken down to quanta.

These unseen particles make up the things that we observe. On their own, they are insignificant, but when they come together working in harmony, they change everything. Do not grow weary of doing the small stuff, because soon enough it's going to add up.