The G-Code: The Secret of The Streets Revealed Vol.1 by Ty Mac - HTML preview

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“It’s the ones that say they love you are the ones that you have to watch out for” Tom Leykis

When we are little boys and girls, people ask us what we would like to be when we grow up. The standard answer was normally fireman, police man, astronaut and nurse. Without a doubt those same people asking you what you wanted to be when you grew up said that if you worked hard and studied, there wasn’t anything you couldn’t do. What they didn’t tell you was there would be many road blocks along the way.

These road blocks are simple to point out. Long hours reading books that leave you drained and feeling like your head would bust from all the things you have to learn and remember. You would have to miss going out and playing with your friends. Without a doubt you would have to take extra courses and do some type of internship. But if you stay strong and keep your eyes on the prize, you could do it. Reach your ultimate goal. Just take it one day at a time. But along the way you don’t notice that forces are aligning to stop you.

The forces would come to meet you in a dark alley with a gun or a knife, telling you to give them your dreams or your life. They come with a smile, with a warm embrace. Sweet words that float in the wind and right into our ears like honey. They live with you. They are on your friends list. They have loaned you a few bucks until you found a new job. They were there when you needed a ride to the airport. When you needed help moving into your new place, they actually picked up the phone and came to help. The Dream killers come in many shapes and sizes.

Here is a list of the Dream Killers




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Mom and dad usually want the best for you as long as you want the same dream or life for yourself as they have been wanting you to have before you even made a sound out of your mouth. When they went on their dates, they would stay up late talking about what they wanted their little boy to be. Your dad would say things like, “My son is going to play football and be big and strong.” Your mother would say “that her little boy would be a gentleman.” She would teach you how to speak nice and play fair. This all sounds good, but what happens when you are more into reading books than you are into throwing a ball around? What happens when you don’t want to be a doctor or a lawyer? You tell them that you can’t wait to get out of high school so you can be done with school and travel the world. I’m willing to bet that your dad hit the roof and your mother cried.

We are living in an age where children are seen as accessories. They are things to show off and point to as proof that you made a mark in the world. They become our second chance at greatness. Your father didn’t get to go on to college to play football and then have a career in the NFL. They want to live out their lost dreams through their kids. This is sad, but you see it all the time with parents that take little league baseball and pop warner football to serious. Screaming at the coach and other parents of the opposing team. Go to YouTube and search for parents fighting at sporting events. What you will see is a bunch of sad people setting a bad example for their children.


Misery and losers love company. Your friends want you to still be the same person you were when they first met you. They don’t want you to achieve your dreams and become an actor or doctor or even lose a few pounds and live a healthier life style. This is because they don’t want you being better than them. Or what they perceive as being better than them. It forces them to take a long look at their own lives and see that they aren’t going after the dreams they had when they were little kids. they will try to sabotage your efforts by saying things like, "come on and just have one piece of cake" when they know that you are trying to lose weight. "you can take one night off of studying to come have some fun with the boys" they know you have a big test coming up and that extra study time will help you get the top grade in the class.


Have a very good reason to try and stop you from living your dreams, it usually means you are going to find someone else that is better than them. She fears you’re going away to the Ivy League school where you meet and interact with women that are as smart as you or smarter. Imagine if you started your own small business and it became a big success. This would have you traveling in circles with other successful people. And with success there will be money and money attracts beautiful women. Your mind isn't even thinking about fucking some hot Eastern European chick on an overseas business trip but I can bet you that your girlfriend has. She thinks about it all the time, and is making plans to stop that from happening.


The internet is full of haters and trolls. They prey on your downfall. It would make their day to see you post about how you lost the games winning shot or didn't get the promotion you were going for. But if you post that you just bought a new car from the money you have been saving for years, they will come out the wood works talking about Oh, that’s all you could afford? You should have got the new version, blah, blah, blah. You have to realize that these people might say they are your friends but nothing could be further from the truth.


Everyone is cool with you at your job as long as you are all on the same level, but if you get promoted to manager or supervisor they will change real quickly. You are no longer one of them. You are now on the enemy’s team. The same people that you would go to lunch with will now talk shit behind your back and try to throw a monkey wrench in your plans at the work place. You can’t get mad or feel hurt. Just realize that this goes with the territory and flow of things. You aren’t out in the field with them anymore. Just keep your business tight and keep shooting for the stars.

How to handle dream killers

The first step in handling dream killers is to identify them. Once you have found out who among your friends and family are trying to stop you from reaching your goals the second step is to cut them out of your life like cancer. This is a hard step for a lot of people. The main reason that it is hard is because the fear of loneliness and not being liked pop up. You have to ignore those feelings. They aren’t helpful to you. You have to replace them with focus and determination. You have to be willing to give it your all to prove to yourself you can accomplish your goals and live out your dreams.

Peeping Game Tip #8

You can love your family. But that doesn’t mean you have to like them.