The Game of Life by EKEKERE SAMUEL UFOT - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven




The chess board can be likened to two combatants, children of light against those of darkness. The differences in white and black modifies the belief in the stark difference between the conditions that the colours exemplify. Believers are the white pieces while the children of the Satan are the black pieces. These sets of people are constantly at war against each other. The battle often ends with casualties on both ends; the fall out of pieces on both ends. Both sides are in cadres or groupings. For the devil’s side are the sinners, principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and principalities. For God’s army, we have laymen, pastors, evangelists, bishops, preachers, teachers etc. These two camps are often at war against themselves . At the center of the war is the interest between both camps, each one trying to capture the other from their camps.

  • The king. The devil, Satan stands as king in the black camp. God stands as king in the camp of believers. The battle between God and Satan had risen when Satan lifted his head in pride against God and was thrown down dragging with him one third of the angels. The devil has continually reared its ugly head but God has always proved a standard against him. God will always prove a standard against him
  • Queen. Jesus Christ stands as queen for the believers. It is through him that all can reach God the king. Every one that wants to meet God must have to go through him. In the devil’s camp, he has the queen of the coast. These are sub-lieutenants that report to the devil directly. They are the immediate messengers of the devil.
  • Knights. They are the elders in heaven who stand in as advisers back by the Holy Spirit. The knights are constantly praising God before God’s throne. The devil also has his knights. They advise the devil on ideas and strategies through which they can stop the will of God amongst believers
  • Rooks. Godly angels serve as rooks. They guard believers and serve as messengers transmitting believers’ needs to heaven and sending down blessing from God down to earth. The devil also has his angels. They are the spirit of destruction and death roaming the streets to capture unsuspecting believers.
  • Bishop. Bishops are the true ministers of God. They are the pastors, evangelist, prophets who are carrying out the word of God just the way God deserves it. The devil’s camp also has its bishops. They work under the cloak of being pastors and ministers to perpetrate the work of the devil
  • Pawns. In the God side, they are the day to day believers who are striving towards heavenly perfection they work towards doing God’s purpose on the earth. On the other side, they are agents of Satan in human form. Their mission is to disrupt God’s purpose and to bring men to their camp.

The battle between God’s camp and the devil’s camp has continued to rage. It’s a daring war that has had casualties on both ends. While the war ensues, believers are often being enjoined to be on their guard. Paul acknowledged this fact when he said “ for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, rulers of darkness etc.” The devil’s camp are not resting on their oars, they are constantly pushing to ensure they win. We must not let the devils’ camp win. We should thus guard ourselves with the right weapons; breast plate of faith, sword of the spirit, helmet of salvation etc.

Satan is determined to make a wreck of God’s camp. But because God stands unconquerable, he stares defeat with his eyes. As believers, we must realize that we are backed by a strong force in God. His word is the strongest tool we can ever have the strongest weapon. We need to feed on it and have adequate knowledge on how to face the challenges that life brings. His word gives succor, hope, happiness, and joy.

God has assured and is reassuring that we can trust him to see us through the challenges that life brings. He says “ come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. The best rest we can have and we need is God’s. The rest of God is assuring us. We can cast our entire burden and leave it there before his table.

As a believer, you are fully positioned forward whether you like it or yes. You are considered a soldier of Christ. Like true soldiers of Christ, let us “guard ourselves and fight this fight. Though the challenges seem enormous, we are well able and very well capable to challenge the odds.

The skills required of believers are prayers and the word of God. The devil and his host are continuously working tooth and nail to pull down believers. The word of Jesus summarizes it; the devil cometh to kill, steal and destroy but I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.

So far as we find ourselves in the earth, we are encumbered by enormous challenges but we can be rest assured that we will have solace in Jesus Christ.


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