The Glad Game Revisited - Your 21 Day into Vibrational Alignment - Book I - Divine Orchestration by Alva v.H - HTML preview

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“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

―Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.


Our Real Self is an eternally perfect being made in the image and likeness of God, whereas our physical self is a relative, finite expression, made in the image and likeness of our ego.

It is the part of us that is born, gets a name, and will eventually die.

When we are more identified with the changeless, infinite part of us, we stay rooted in our core as our external world continues to change form and reveal our Ever-Expanding Good.

The invisible realm of energy and information is where the divine ideas exist, where the butterfly lives before it emerges through the caterpillar.

Where the perfect idea of YOU is before you are born, and where the perfect idea behind everything, known and unknown, resides — waiting to be discovered.

The first step in developing this new awareness is understanding the reality-creating mechanisms of consciousness.

How the experiences of the senses are an expression of mental and spiritual activity, not a reality in themselves.

We must RE- train ourselves to REMEMBER that all the good we could ever want, all the Joy, Peace, Love, Freedom, Fulfilment, Creativity, and Inspiration, is happening right HERE and NOW, within us and all around us.

We than come to the understanding that - ‘Heaven’, ‘Paradise’ or ‘Nirvana’ as described by a variety of Spiritual Leaders throughout history, these are all a state of consciousness where duality has dissolved and the essential peace and harmony of our being is realized.

This is not in the future, it is here now, waiting to emerge when the conditions are right.

Likewise, hell is a state of mind, the ultimate sense of feeling separate from our essential nature or God.

Because of these myths, fantasies, and false concepts about the way life works, we are often in a state of anticipating something in the future - good or bad.

From this state, activating the laws at hand, we find ourselves either running right into the bad we expect or forever waiting for the ‘hoped-for’ good to happen.