The Glad Game Revisited - Your 21 Day into Vibrational Alignment - Book I - Divine Orchestration by Alva v.H - HTML preview

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‘Your doubts are ebbing,

trust is established.

your confidence is rising,

you live in the knowing.

You are countenance at all times,

the sign of inner peace of mind.

the smile on your face,

as you are blessed

with the gift of Joy!‘

- Alva.v.H


The thoughts that you think will - wanted or not wanted - eventually become manifestation if your Vibrational Accord is sufficient enough...

And so, you could say, as you are -

...‘launching thoughts of appreciation’ and things that make you feel good, that you are filling your ‘Vibrational Escrow’ full of all kinds of things that are going to please you, when you get there’...

It is a STEADY STREAM, and it does not matter how many of opportunities you have missed.

The only thing that matters is what are you doing right now in your vibration.

And you can tell what you are doing right now in Your Vibration by the way you FEEL.

Law of Attraction says -

‘That which is Like Unto Itself is Drawn’.

Which means-

So, as you experience the CONTRASTS - meaning, moments or occurrences which are not In Accordance With that which IS Your Vision - which inspires the new idea within you.

This new Idea — This Desire — whether it is a strong one or a soft one,

is summoning unto itself proportionately.

And as IT summons, IT IS always ANSWERED.

It is the basis of our Universe –

When it is Asked, it is Always Given.


common and wide spread confusion surrounds this chain of events.

The wide spread belief is that all which is desired is through words, or even actions, manifested into reality.

But the Universe is not responding to your words or your actions.

The Universe is responding to your - VIBRATIONAL CALLING.

...‘At the heart of every condition is a Vibrational Pattern—a rather minor ‘tweaking of vibrational patterning’ - sort of like the hub of a wheel – which can affect tremendously out there on the peripheral of this big wheel…

...‘A little bit of Tweaking’ on the Emotions can make A Big Difference in the way the physical manifestation occurs’.


Stay dedicated to the Goal of Feeling Great.

While, the act of attracting things remains secondary.

Remind yourself that by Feeling Good your Energy will attract Good Things into your life automatically.

If your Goal is to be Happy,

then whatever the conditions are is immaterial.

Establish the habit of FOCUSing on the aspects that promote your ‘Good Feeling Place’, hence, your offering of a compatible Vibrational Alignment.

By constantly sorting out, adjusting and concentrating on your objects of attention, you will keep your constant vibrational stance intact, thus, summoning up your Object of Desire

into Your Experience.

True Happiness IS Your Manifestation.

Trust that through the process of ‘clearing the Space for the Greatness Within’, the universe is guiding you to the Assignments you need, to assist your healing and move you towards Your Goal.

Trust that the more you Trust, the more situations will be attracted into your life for your Higher Good.

Focus on what you want while rejecting all that is counterproductive or in negation to the frequency you have established.

Remain adamant while doing so, even if it means ignoring certain circumstances, choosing not to engage in certain actions and conversations

of negative nature.

Do not apologize for what you want!

Keep clarifying how you want to Feel.

Which is what will make your manifestations come to form.

Spend time ‘sitting in the feeling’ of what it is you desire, daily.

This can be done through visualization exercises, meditation, or even when you are exercising.

The more you ‘Feel the Feeling’ you desire, the more you will BELIEVE that IT IS on its way.

Consider the following Statement -

“Those who are certain of the outcome,
can afford to wait and wait,
without anxiety.”

Take this Statement to Heart and live by it.

Allow your faithfulness to guide you and TRUST that the Universe has a Plan for You.

You cannot control the form or timing in which

what you want appears.

Let Go!

Know the Universe is With You.

As your disbelief continues to dissipate,

what you want is replaced by KNOWING!

This is a healing process that leads to an inner understanding that -

You Are Right Where You Need To Be!

Remain aware of your intuitive skills, and Natural Spiritual Abilities in order to be able to tap into your Inner Wisdom and Innate Spiritual Guidance System.

You will be gaining Clarity, Confidence and Insights which are in direct Alignment with Your Highest Good.

You will be masterfully upgrading your experience constantly.

Accepting your Excellence in This exact Moment is what will manifest even more excellence.

Commit to this process and trust that you are really

Where You need to Be.

If your top desire is to Feel Good, trust that you will be given ‘the things you need’ to create a CONSTANT FLOW

towards this feeling.

While feeling good is your True Manifestation, all that comes with it is simply –

‘icing on the cake of life’!