The Great Life Swindle by Laura Tong & Mark Tong - Global Feel Good Company - HTML preview

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"Have you ever wondered what we're capable of?"

"You what?"

"Maybe not. There is, after all, no reason why you should. But it makes for interesting thinking if you're in search of a different life, a better time, more excitement, feeling fulfilled, wanting to make our mark on the world, or more specifically trying to change one aspect of life as it stands now and in the future, for unless we change how we act now, life as it stands, is our future; biblical flood aside. In these cases, and many others, wondering what we're capable of, makes for interesting thinking."

"Blimey, where has this all come from? I suppose if doing things makes us feel better about ourselves then doing great things makes us feel incredible and doing fuck all or less than we feel we're capable of, makes us irritable, nasty, rat-toothed, unpleasant wastes of other people’s oxygen.

"How fantastic then, that these things and more, are all possible, feasible and ultimately available. Imagine if we achieved all that we were capable of, we would be looking at someone else’s life right now. Not ours. Nothing of this life at all, a complete and utter third dimension that we have never actually experienced because we were probably told that succeeding in mediocrity is the way to feel good. Only trouble is, we have tried it and found that it isn’t."

"If we could view, our potentially successful lives in fast forward, glorious technicolor DVD with surround sound, we would probably cark it from the shock of seeing ourselves in action.

"People have done it, not many, and not in fast forward but in real time without looking too far ahead, so there is no chance of carking it with fear of what lies ahead but more like looking back over a life more fabulous and often very unexpected. Sometimes it seems to come hand in hand with bad news - a doctor’s diagnosis, death of someone close, business closure, hitting forty, which for some seems to be the worst news they could ever receive. Sometimes in these situations, people break out and do the weirdest things."

"Why weird?"

"Because they are the furthest removed action for a person living the life they are in, at the point of the receipt of the news: becoming world champions in sport at entirely the wrong age, selling everything to launch a business idea, leaving everything they know to cleave a new life in a foreign country where there is no chance of lapsing back into the ways of Blighty, dedicating their lives to a cause which they feel warrants such a sacrifice with the most incredible, world-changing results. And all on the receipt of some bad news."

"Bit dramatic, wouldn’t you say? "

"And yet it happens. One thing that does seem to be quite universal however, given extensive research, is that no one has managed to predict how someone will react, if they receive such news. Think about it for a moment, doctors are given the unenviable task of passing on the equivalent of a death sentence on a daily basis, if we were to look across the full spectrum of those in practice. People do actually cark it on a daily basis, (some of them having been forewarned by the aforementioned doctors!). Depending on market forces, Government policy and which way the wind is blowing on a certain Monday, businesses fail in either their tens, hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands on a daily basis. And today 14,876 people hit forty, in Britain alone. And yet, it hasn’t yet been possible to predict which way the above, will jump. Some will see the event as a jumping off point and others will see it as an insurmountable hurdle, an eternal albatross to encumber all and any future endeavors. For those of us with high expectations from life, the diving board option must surely look more attractive, for encumbrances will only slow us down in the pursuit of all that we seek."

"Although interestingly, what we seek is probably poles apart. Because for all that we're ants in this life of scurrying about the planet, our hopes and dreams are no doubt, very different."

"The overall outcome may be closer in idea; feeling great, being proud of ourselves, having a life of excitement and achievement and yet our routes to this Nirvana could take very different paths. What of it?"

" Obstacles to success seem to come from a variety of sources.."

"But none seem so hard to scale as those which come from our own fucked up heads."


Life Rule For The Common Man no.7

You wouldn't carry a tiger around on your back

and then use someone else's poodle to hunt, would you?

You wouldn't carry Einstein around on your back

and then ask Homer Simpson for advice, would you?

Your brain is the only one you need - If you don't trust it, who the hell is going to?


“It's going to take some pretty audacious, out-there action....bugger!”



"So what is it that makes people change. because if we can work that out we can bottle it, sell it and at least be successful at that."

"But the truth is we don’t really care."

"True, we do really just want people to find out the answer and feel great and live at least a fair proportion of their lives the way they want to. Not necessarily making a fortune and being household names and hailed as Gods wherever they appear but lets not be too hasty because that would probably go down okay, we could all swallow it. Just. But that's not what we're talking about, we're saying everyone can be successful in their own way, big or small, private or public, so long as it's their idea of living a Great life, theirs, not some false life foisted on them by head fuckage and swindling bastards!"
