The Great Life Swindle by Laura Tong & Mark Tong - Global Feel Good Company - HTML preview

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Introduction - Arguments with Yourself

Think of this book as a prequel, a bit like the Star Wars series only less confusing. You can watch the first film which is actually apparently the fifth in the series and then watch the third, which is the first episode without seeing er, but it's that much more er.., maybe I choose a bad example. Okay, think of it as a collection of thoughts and inner arguments you may have had or be having with yourself, all neatly(ish) typed up. It isn't necessarily in a logical sequence because that's not how most people think, usually the brain goes back and forth, randomly attacking problems and ideas from different angles until sometimes you feel like a mad person.

You see, the problem with the Great Life Swindle is that it is so cloaked in normality, so universal that when you're caught up in it, it's almost impossible to figure it out, work out what came first... from the inside at least. And that's the challenge because the swindle is outside and inside your head. You need to change how you think as well as act, or more accurately, how you were taught to think and act. Nine tenths of this isn’t new to you at all. So what with the guy you haven’t met yet, who rushed to gain a refund as his life was perfectly on track and knew it all already? Does it matter? Does it fuck! It wouldn’t matter if the sense of it all was disseminated by black rats sweeping across the nation like a plague - same far reaching, epidemic results, but with less boils and more people left to actually enjoy the awesome alternative that is on offer to everyone, the life they should be living, their Great Life.

So this book is a series of imaginary arguments with yourself, half-baked ideas and thoughts that might just be swimming around your head right now about how all this stuff really works - relationships, success, motivation, work, money, happiness, society - you know, life. And maybe you've noticed that somehow what you've been taught, shown and told about all these things that make up 'life' is a whole bunch of cock! Which is why you might find yourself disagreeing with some of the thinking in the book - because it is swindle-bound thinking - this is the prequel - the antagonists are still caught up in swindle-centered thinking. They recognize it , but don't necessarily see the way out clearly: the rest of the Great Life Swindle Series is a continuation of the process with the end result you emerge swindle-free, able to hunt down whatever your idea of your Great Life is.

The other problem is that when you're caught up in swindle-thinking you have to give

swindle-based-examples, so we mention money for instance because if you're caught up in the swindle you may equate money with success, happiness, desire and a a whole load of other stuff. In truth sometimes none of this has anything to do with money, it's just a by-product or not even part of the equation, but it's universally (mis)understood, so it's a good example. But you haven't got all day, so let's get going...


Life Rule for the Common Man no.101

You do not need self-improvement, you need life-improvement

You're fine as you're, it's your life that sucks
