The Great Life Swindle by Laura Tong & Mark Tong - Global Feel Good Company - HTML preview

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Is Being Fucked in the Head Terminal?

Because, honestly, we don’t see many people breaking out of Fucked-in-the-head-ville. It seems far more popular to wallow around wondering what the hell is going wrong or what the hell happened in life than to suddenly spring up shouting ‘hooray, for having sorted out how to be happy and successful’. How many people have actually made it; the transition that is from, Fucked-in-the-Head-Bloke to Oh-So-Sorted-Sexy-Guy-or Gal? How many?! Not many, not very many at all. Well we haven’t met many anyway. The possibility that this is because of the circles we keep is too impossible to fully consider just at this point in time. But we’ve firmly established to the point that it cannot be denied, that there aren’t very many of them, well certainly less than there are the other sort, you know, us.


"So what does it all mean? - that natural selection exists today and some are born to success and happiness and that the rest of us are monkeyed? Monkeyed into being monkeys all our lives?"

"Well, fuck that out of someone’s backside. We can refuse to accept it."

"Yeah, if even one person has made it out of being a monkey into whatever version their version of successdom is, then that's good enough.

"True, so what you're saying is that every break out from being a member of the fucked-up-head collective, across to the other side, brings fresh new hope".

"Bang on! There may not be that many...

"but technically one is enough...

"and thankfully there are probably a few more than that".

"Okay, okay, we've probably worked out that in reality there are a hell more in the world at large than we first thought, which is fantastic, because now we have people to believe in, even if we don't know them well enough to follow and imitate up close and personal as it were".


"So it’s decided then?"


"We're going to buck genetics, upbringing, current life situation, experience, opinion and head fuckage and break out. We're going to become the bad boys of success and kick some ass!".

"Sounds great. There has, however, been a bit of a gathering of thoughts that it might take a bit more effort than we first envisaged which is crap and unfair and bollocks and fuck we wish it was different"

" but it isn’t!"

"So shall we whinge like fuck first or get on with the job in hand?"

"I'm definitely up for the whingeing option.”

“Great plan, whinge like hell until we have got it out of our systems and then tear up our membership of the Pussy Generation and take a more 'adult' approach. An excellent plan, because we're going to do it like that anyway whatever we say".

"You think?"

"I do and here's why. We can learn lessons in life and work stuff out and be the ones who go for it, but, just maybe, we need to leave enough time for being human".


"So we’ve had our chance to be human..."

"And man did we work it"

"Oh did we ever!"

"We have whinged ourselves into a stupor and the only thing that will shake us from it, is the cold hard truth, hewn in the granite of time that.."

"Don't say it!"

"That self-pity is.... is ... terminal. It cannot be cured by anyone else, only by ourselves".


Life Rule For The Common Man no.2

Being a self-pitying pussy is terminal and so is being human

but only one swindles you out of your success


 "Surely that is cause for more bloody whingeing"

"You know what - you’d be right but for the fact that we actually want to win this time and if it is going to happen in our lifetime, it seems pretty safe to assume that we might need to up the pace a little".

"Fuck. I was afraid we might come to that conclusion, that we might need to go all out, but if we say it quickly enough we can gloss over that for a bit longer because that can’t apply to us just yet, can it?”


We have no idea why we ever started all this, it’s taken most of our lives it seems and I have no idea where we're getting by it all. Is this just the longest self indulgent ramble anyone has ever taken under the disguise of a journey to sort life out because I’m sure there are better ways to travel, better ways to get where you want. It all seems so fucking us, us, us all the time.

Maybe we’re just lunatics.


"What the hell is it all about anyway? Here we are, plonked on this earth with all this time on our hands and what the hell are we supposed to do with it?"

"Probably not what we have been doing, that’s for sure because it doesn’t seem to be panning out".

"Maybe we haven’t given it enough time".

"Trust me that is definitely not the case! We’ve given it our whole lives to date, our whole fucking lives and that’s why we’re tired, tired of it all. But we can’t afford to be tired, we said we need to raise our game in the effort stakes".

"Yeah and that didn’t really sound a whole lot of fun did it?"

"It sounded crap but that's surely what we've been told our whole lives. We're told that even the freakish few who actually make the transition grovel their butt off to the point of near extinction and then pop out the other side...a miserable but successful bastard who has never had a day’s fun in life".

"Ooh, this is new..."

"...but true ... apparently. Look we’ve gone at things like dogs, navvies..."

"and many other euphemisms we aren’t allowed to use because that is more crap we’re bloody well told.”

“True. We’ve gone at all our ideas like that, like "we’re going to succeed if it kills us" and you know what ?


 "Yeah, it killed us, and all the spirit of the great idea and all the magic and the spark".

"You're bloody well right, and we abandoned all our plans one by one as the fun disappeared".

"Honestly what is the point of having a great idea to make life better and then going at it like the every-day, routine things in life?"

"Crikey, so somehow we need to learn the art of grafting like navvies while still having fun; maybe singing ‘good ole work songs’ along the way".

"Maybe not!"

"So how the hell do we do it then Einstein?"

"I’m working on it. Look I think it’s effort we need to put in, not struggle".

"Aha now we're getting somewhere. Effort, not struggle, right? So why do we struggle with things if it’s only effort we need?"


"But habits come from somewhere don’t they? And where the hell does struggle come from?"

"It can only be thought, it must be".

"So you're saying if we think of struggle that’s what our plans will manifest into physically".

"Which brings us back to this thinking idea. That somehow the way we're thinking about stuff, the way we've been taught to think about stuff, is screwing things up each time".

"Well that seems clear. So we need to change the way we're thinking about..."

"Everything! EVERYTHING!. The whole shamoodle. We have outrageously crap opinions on everything and in reality they're not even our opinions but second-hand swindlers' dumped on us before we were even out of diapers and they need to go, so that we can have new opinions of our own that will lead to the things we really want".

"Ok, crap opinions like what?"

"Okay, like what, like.. Okay like..."
