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Yasmin Waljee, 38, a lawyer, from London

Yasmin will never meet all the thousands of people she has helped. But her belief that justice is a right for all - and that the disadvantaged who can't access a diminishing legal aid system should be represented for free by some of Britain's top lawyers - drives her relentlessly on.

Yasmin, is head of Pro Bono - provision of free service by volunteer lawyers at top legal firm Lovells.

She helps mastermind 18,000 free hours of legal help a year worldwide - from victims of domestic violence, victims of terrorist attacks including the London July 7 bombings, disabled people who are fighting for Disability Living Allowance and desperate families facing eviction in East London because they are falling behind with rent.

While Yasmin - married with a one-year-old son - claims modestly that all the above is not her work alone, she also tirelessly raises money for charity: for example, persuading her colleagues to abseil down their building and arranging a team of lawyers to help clean up a rundown area of Newham, East London.

Last year, working with a committee of staff, she raised £25,000 for Save The Children through Legally Ballroom Dancing - an event which saw 30 lawyers waltzing in front of their colleagues.