The Meaning of Life & Who is Your Infinite I? by David M. Webb - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

The Human Game Model – Stephen Davis

―There is no way any human being in this ‗Holographic Universe‘ can know with certainty why their ‗Infinite I‘ created them. The story I am about to tell you, therefore, cannot be called the truth. Instead it‘s a model (like the Field) that comes closer to the truth than any other model and is extremely workable and effective in the metamorphosis to a Butterfly. And it‘s high time for a new model!

The models of how the universe works we used inside the movie theatre is no longer valid. It is all based on the wrong premise that the movies we are watching are real. With the recent results in quantum physics and other scientific experiments, we need to come up with a new model that conforms to our new understanding of the holographic universe. ‗Robert Scheinfeld‘ (1) was the one who introduced me to this model in my early days as a scout. Although I have made certain modifications (which he may or may not agree with), I want to give him the credit for it.

It‘s called ‗The Human Game Model.‘

Let‘s eavesdrop on a couple of ‗Infinite One‘s‘ who are having a conversation………

I‘ve been thinking I want to go to the GAP tonight. Where? The great amusement park. Is that all? Then you‘re on! All the different games and attractions……….Yes, but tonight I want to tie one hand behind my back in the dart game. What? Am I not speaking clearly? I said I want to tie one hand behind my back in the dart game. I heard you perfectly; you‘re just not making any sense. Why would you want to do that? Well, I keep breaking all the balloons every time I play and bringing home another stuffed animal. Now my closet‘s full of them. What else can you expect when you have infinite power, infinite wisdom, infinite abundance………

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But I want to experience something a little different for a change – more of a challenge, maybe. I mean, a game you win all the time can get a little boring. So you‘re going to throw darts with one hand tied behind your back? Yes. I thought I‘d try it at least. This I gotta see………You know, I‘ve been thinking………Oh, no. Here we go again.

Throwing darts with one hand tied behind my back doesn‘t do much. I still break every balloon, and now I‘ve got a second closet full of stuffed animals.

I‘m well aware of that. The second closet used to be mine, remember? So tonight I‘m going to tie both hands behind my back. I beg your pardon? How are you going to throw darts with both hands tied behind your back? I don‘t know yet; but as you said, I have infinite power and infinite wisdom, so I‘ll figure something out. This time I‘m the one who‘s been thinking………About what? About the fact that I had to build another closet for your stuffed animals.

Maybe tonight you should try throwing darts blindfolded………Wow! Great idea! This isn‘t working, you know. It‘s a good thing we‘ve got infinite space for an infinite number of closets. Yes, I know. There‘s gotta be a way……...A way to do what? A way to experience what it would be like not to be so……… Infinite, so……… Perfect all the time. I‘m not following………

I mean, here we are, with infinite joy, infinite power, infinite wisdom, infinite abundance, infinite and unconditional love……... We‘re just so……… so perfect.

Well, maybe I want to feel what it would be like to miss a balloon or two every once in a while – to experience what it would be like not to be so infinite, just for the fun of it. Who knows, maybe I‘ll even appreciate my infinite nature more when I know what the opposite feels like. But it‘s not possible. What‘s not possible? Not being infinite. I mean, that‘s who we are……… infinite beings.

It‘s not possible not to be infinite. Maybe not. At least, not for us directly. But what if we create a new game, and then create a player to play it for us? I‘m still not following you………

You know the Tunnel of Love in the Park where we experience those fantastic images from all the beautiful universes? Oh, yes. It‘s one of my favourite rides.

I especially like the music that goes along with it! Sing it with me……… It‘s a small world after……... I‘m not singing that right now. I‘m trying to have a conversation with you about creating a new game where we could experience what it would be like to be limited instead of so bloody infinite and perfect all the time! Oh, we‘re going to be serious, are we? Well, as I said, it‘s not possible.

We‘d always know we were infinite, so the game wouldn‘t work.

You‘re right; it‘s not possible for us to limit ourselves, which is why I keep breaking all the balloons no matter what I do. As I said, that‘s why we have to create an attraction where we don‘t actually go in and play. Instead we create a player to go inside and play for us, to represent us in the game.

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How much fun could that be, if we‘re outside and the player is inside?

Wouldn‘t the player have all the fun instead? And if the player is playing the game, how will we have the experience? We stay connected to our player………

You mean, like we‘re always connected to the Infi-Net? Yes, a lot like that; and the player would send back its feelings through that connection while it was being limited, so we could experience those feelings vicariously.

Let me see if I have this right……… you want to create something like a video game, with a player who you put through various experiences in which they react to being limited, so they can send back to you their feelings during those experiences of what it‘s like not to be infinite. Precisely! I must admit it sounds like it could be fun, and interesting. But how are you going to create these limiting experiences for your player? Oh, that‘s the easy part. I‘ll just go to The Field, collapse some quantum wave functions and make some holograms.

The Field? Are you sure the Chief would approve of using The Field to create a game where the goal was limitation rather than expansion? Why not? You know the Chief doesn‘t consider one experience to be better or worse than any other.

All experiences are equal.

And the Chief created The Field – whose full name, just to remind you, is The Field of Unlimited Possibilities – because it affords us unlimited possibilities to play, which has to include the possibility to experience limitation as well as expansion. Right? You‘ve got a point. But do you really think you can create a holographic game so real, where the player will be so convinced they are being limited, they will react with feelings you could experience? Well, I‘ve got some details to work out, but doesn‘t it sound like a blast? I don‘t know about a blast……… maybe more like a big bang. But definitely very creative. I‘m still not convinced it‘s possible to limit unlimited power or wisdom, so let me know how this works for you………

I‘ve got a prototype. For what? Did you really forget our conversation, or are you just jerking me around? Remind me……… I‘m creating a game where we can experience what it‘s like not to be so infinite. Oh, yeh, that one. And I created a player to play the game for me……… Really? Yes. I went through a lot of trial and error, but I finally came up with something that works. Adam.

What? I call it Adam. Interesting. I won‘t ask why right now. Go on……… And I created a whole bunch of different holographic scenarios for Adam to experience being limited……… and he‘s been sending back his feelings to me from those experiences. It‘s so cool, and it really works! Wanna see? Sure, I‘ll take a look……… Wow!

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That‘s a beautiful game world – clear blue skies, lush green forests, turquoise oceans……… really amazing. And you did all this with holograms? Yes. Like I said, that was the easy part. I call it Earth. Okay……… whatever. The hard part was figuring out how to make the holograms appear in space and time so Adam would think he was inside something like a total immersion movie. And? And so I created a brain. I can see I‘m going to need a dictionary before we‘re through.

What‘s a brain? A brain is a kind of holographic processor. What I do is download the quantum wave frequencies I‘ve chosen from the Field for my Earth environment to one side of Adam‘s brain, usually while he‘s asleep………

And Adam doesn‘t know what‘s happening? Actually, when he wakes up, he has these……… well, sort of memories of something occurring during the night, but all the pictures are jumbled together and nothing makes any sense to him – kind of like trying to read a zip file. Okay, go on………

Then when I‘m ready, I unzip them and move them to the other side of his brain; and in the process of moving from one side to the other, the brain translates the wave frequencies into particle locations, creating a holographic picture, which it then projects out through the senses into space and time for Adam to perceive and experience. It sounds fairly simple……... Yeh, it‘s basically like the central processing unit in our computers that takes binary code and translates it into what we see on our screens.

But Adam thinks it‘s happening out there, and all around him, independent of his own brain - as if it were some kind of objective reality. So what exactly is Adam doing now? Chasing a rabbit. A what? I call that little furry white thing a rabbit. Where are you getting these names? Oh, never mind. He‘ll never catch the rabbit, though; it‘s too fast for him. Exactly, and that‘s the point. Adam is experiencing the limitation of having a body and he‘s sending his feelings about that back to me. Which are……..?

I would say right now he‘s a little……… frustrated. And that‘s perfect – an amazing thing to feel! If I were chasing that rabbit here, I‘d catch it every time, just like I break every balloon. This is precisely what I was hoping to feel! I can‘t feel anything. Of course not. Adam‘s my player. I‘m the only one who can feel what he‘s feeling. So, if I want to have a similar experience……… You have to create your own player. Is that possible? I can work on it.‘


This may sound incredible, and you might be laughing or thinking I‘ve totally lost it! But is it any more incredible than all the other creation stories found in every one of the world‘s religions? Is it any more theoretical than ‗The Big Bang Theory‘ (2) no one can find or explain?

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Is it any stranger than aliens from the twelfth planet genetically engineering Homo Sapiens by combining the DNA of apes with themselves, as our Sumerian forefathers apparently believed?

It‘s actually not entirely out of the realm of possibility that an ‗Infinite I‘ wanted to experience what it felt like to be imperfect, to limit unlimited power, joy, abundance, wisdom and love; to be involved in drama and conflict and pain and suffering. After all, if you remember, one of the attributes I gave an ‗Infinite I‘

was the infinite desire to play and express itself creatively. I can imagine a game where an ‗Infinite I‘ could experience being the opposite of what it really is might be very interesting and exciting (not to mention extremely difficult to pull off). How does one limit unlimited power? How does one restrict unlimited wisdom? How does one forfeit unlimited joy and love? And how does one create scarcity in the face of unlimited abundance?

The conversation went on………

‗Are you ready? For what? To create your own player. Okay. Show me. First, there are some rules of the game you must agree to before we start. Number One, the Chief has been very clear: Any creation must have complete free will.

Once you‘ve created your player, you cannot interfere with their decisions and choices at any time for any reason.

You mean, I just create a player and turn them loose on your Earth? Oh, no way.

You have to create every second of every experience for your player, down to the smallest detail. They can‘t create anything. They‘re part of the hologram.

They‘re on the wrong side of The Field and have no power at all to create any experiences for themselves. But once you‘ve created an experience for them, they must have total free will to choose how they want to respond or react to that experience.

I have no problem with that. Good. Rule number two, your player can‘t know it‘s your player; otherwise, it taps into your infiniteness through the connection.

It must think it has its own consciousness and identity, and is not just a temporary representative, an extension of you created for the game. I can agree to that. Rule number three, your player also can‘t know it‘s a game. It has to believe it‘s real. It has to take it seriously or it doesn‘t work.

You mean, Adam doesn‘t know it‘s all a hologram? No! Adam is part of the hologram. A hologram looks and feels real to anything inside the hologram itself. Adam thinks the garden I made for him actually exists – he even eats the holographic apples, for example! Well, I won‘t tell him it‘s not real. You‘re right – you can‘t tell him, unless I agree, which is rule number four.

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You‘re going to create your own player with its own experiences, but I‘ve figured out how different players holograms can interact……… Wait a minute…

are you saying I‘m not going to use your holograms? No, you can‘t. You can use the collection of holographic earth environments I‘ve created as a template for your player, if you want. And I actually suggest you do that, because if your player and my player interact, I think it would be easier if they both saw virtually the same things in their holograms; otherwise they‘ll spend all their time arguing about the colour blue, for example, or whether there are one or two suns in the sky. We wouldn‘t want that now, would we?

Actually, it could be interesting – probably result in some strange feelings coming back through the connection; maybe eventually get some players really upset if the reality they saw was too much different from other players. But I think it would work better for now at least if our two players saw pretty much the same things. But my player‘s holograms will be completely separate from Adam‘s? Absolutely. Each player must have its own separate individual and unique reality. You create your own player‘s reality, and I create my player‘s reality. Because of the way I‘ve worked it out for players holograms to interact with each other, they might think they‘re connected, that they‘re all one, or that they share the same holographic universe; but it won‘t be true. That‘s the only way this can work.

Why‘s that? Well, getting back to what we were talking about, rule number four is – if we decide we want your player and my player to interact – your player can never do or say anything in my player‘s holograms I have not agreed to beforehand. Otherwise, you would actually be creating experiences for my player – and me for yours. And that would be bad, because……...

Because the Chief insists no one can ever be a victim of anything at any time; and if you had the ability to create experiences for my player by doing or saying something I didn‘t want or didn‘t approve of or didn‘t know about, my player could then become a victim of your creations. My guess is that a player might feel like it‘s a victim from time to time – and that‘s good for us because it will simply lead to more limitation – but it can never actually be the case. I must always have 100% script approval for every detail prior to anything happening in my player‘s holograms. And the same thing goes for you and your player. I get it.

So now are you ready? Yes, but I want a player very different from Adam. Well, do you want a human player, or an animal player – maybe a dolphin? A dolphin looks like a lot of fun. But what‘s Adam? Adam is a human being.

This is called the human game. So I want a human, too. But still, I want a human that‘s different………

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Okay, you can create whatever you want as long as it has two legs, two arms, two eyes, two ears……… Wow! That‘s interesting. What do you call it? Eve.‘


Word about the new human game apparently spread quickly all over Infinite Land via Infi-Mail. Soon there were many other ‗Infinite I‘s‘ who wanted to play and the human population on earth began to grow. And then……… ‗Wait a minute. I have another idea. Your last one was pretty good. What‘s this one?

Let‘s divide the human game into two parts. The first half will be to see how far into limitation we can take our players, and then the second half will be to bring them back out again. Here‘s a million that says I can take my player further into limitation than you can take yours and still bring it home safely!

You‘re on!‘


Again, I‘m not trying to claim any of this is true. We may never know. But human beings seem to have an abundance of curiosity; so although it‘s futile and irrelevant to speculate on why an ‗Infinite I‘ would create the human game, we do it anyway. I‘m no different.

Here are a few of the thoughts I‘ve had over the years……… Do Pete Sampras or Roger Federer or Martina Navratilova or the Williams sisters get bored after a while playing tennis so well? Do they play with the wrong hand occasionally just to see if they can – just to make the game more interesting – just for the challenge and the experience?

Does anyone play darts sometimes with their eyes closed, just for the fun? I remember when I was three or four years old, the house I lived in had a brick walkway from the front door leading to three steps which went down to the street. I would take my tricycle, back it up against the front door, peddle as hard and fast as I could down the walkway, and then slam on the brakes and see how close I could get to the edge of the top step before I fell over. (The last time I tried this was when I fell down the stairs into the street, splitting my lip wide open.) So I can totally relate to the idea of playing a game to its maximum limits, to see how far one can push oneself.

I also remember wanting to go higher and higher on a rollercoaster, eager to find the biggest one I could, even though the first hill up was always a bitch.

Or maybe an ‗Infinite I‘ wants to play the human game purely to experience what a physical universe feels like.

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There was an interesting 1996 movie with John Travolta called Michael, in which Travolta plays an archangel who came to earth to experience how it felt to have a body. He revelled in it – smoking, drinking, eating as much sugar and meat as he could, exercising his very active libido, and enjoying every moment.

Of course, most ‗new-agers‘ didn‘t like the movie because nearly everything Michael did was contrary to their beliefs of what an ‗enlightened being‘ would do. But once again this movie could provide a clue to an ‗Infinite I‘s‘


I‘m sure you‘ve heard the saying, ‗as above, so below.‘ Now we understand the opposite is true, ‗as below, so above.‘ We all go to the movies, watch sports, or listen to music in order to have an inner experience from the outer experience.

Even golf is played for the inner experience it creates, according to the experts.

The human game, then, could be an outer experience created for a player by its

‗Infinite I‘ so the ‗Infinite I‘ can have the inner experience – the feelings it receives