The Meaning of Life & Who is Your Infinite I? by David M. Webb - HTML preview

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Chapter 15

Surrender – Jed McKenna

―To surrender is to relinquish the illusion of control, which initiates the death part of the death/rebirth process, which is the transition from the bondage of the womb-like segregated state to the freedom of the ever-expanding integrated state. No faith or belief is required to accomplish this act of surrender, only clear-seeing. When one begins to understand ego and fear for what they really are, then this process becomes as easy and natural as dropping a heavy weight.

Sadly, owing to the faux-surrender popularised by pop Christianity, jailhouse conversions and twelve step programs, this vital and necessary growth stage has fallen into disrepute and is widely scorned as the desperate act of the stupid, the frightened and the weak. This is a clear example of how Maya operates in the world‖.


My Impression On Above Chapter: „The Letting Go Of Wanting‟

This letting go of ‗Wanting‘ (1) is something I am still frequently encountering along me journey. The problem with wanting something is that ‗I‘ (2) may then try to control events and circumstances (and, not infrequently, other people) in order to make the world turn out the way I think it should. But often I do not know my own best interests. When I do let go of my attachments, and stop trying to control my circumstances, I frequently find events turn out even better than they would have, had my own plans come to fruition.

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The Meaning of Life & Who Is Your Infinite I?



Wikipedia – Wanting; and


Wikipedia – I.
