The Meaning of Life & Who is Your Infinite I? by David M. Webb - HTML preview

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Chapter 25

Gratitude – Jed McKenna

―Gratitude is a non-specific, all encompassing quality and tinged with a not-unpleasant sadness, might be said to be the primary emotion of the truth-realised person and the mature human adult. It is this gratitude that comes in as fear goes out.‖

Page 134 of 179

The Meaning of Life & Who Is Your Infinite I?


My Impression On Above Chapter: „To Show Gratitude is Life Changing‟

Expressing gratitude is transformative. Imagine an experiment involving two people. One is asked to spend ten minutes each morning and evening expressing gratitude (there is always something to be grateful for), while the other is asked to spend the same amount of time practicing complaining (there is, after all, always something to complain about).

One of the subjects is saying things like, ―I hate my job. I can't stand this house.

Why can't I make enough money? My spouse doesn't get along with me. That dog next door never stops barking and I just can't stand this neighborhood.‖

The other is saying things like, ―I'm really grateful for the opportunity to work; there are so many people these days who can't even find a job. And I'm very grateful for my health. What a phenomenal day; I really like this spring weather.‖

They do this experiment for a year………

At the end of that year the person practicing complaining will have deeply reaffirmed their entire negative stuff rather than having let it go (guaranteed).

The one practicing gratitude will be a very grateful person.

Expressing gratitude changes our way of seeing ourselves and the world.
