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Section III: Location Wealth


Create Your Shape


“Exploration is not so much a covering of surface distance as a study in depth: a fleeting episode, a fragment of landscape, or a remark overheard that may provide the only means of understanding and interpreting areas which would otherwise remain barren of meaning.” – Claude Levi-Strauss


Location Wealth, although important by its own merit, is impossible without the previous two principles of wealth.


Location Wealth is the ability to live and work wherever you want, whenever you want, for as long as you want. Through the confidence and understanding built with Emotional Wealth, and a life built with the values of Time Wealth, you’re able to move around as much – or as little – as you please.


The entire world becomes your playground, and every continent becomes a new office space. Becoming Emotionally Wealthy, and achieving Time Wealth, gives you the foundation – and opportunity – to build Location Wealth.


Emotional Wealth answers the question: Why am I here, what do I love, and how do I pursue it?


Time Wealth answers the question: What brings me the most value in life, and how can I own my time in ways that allow me to maximize that value?


Well, let me ask you a third question: If you could live wherever you want, travel as much as you want, leave whenever you want, and experience whatever culture you want, how would you go about doing it?


This is the question of Location Wealth. How can I use my location(s) as a way to enrich my life? Answering this question gives you location riches.


The answer is different for everyone, but it’s easy to see how, although Location Wealth relies on the previous two principles, it enhances each principle of wealth.


Location Wealth brings freedom of emotions, forces you to step outside of your comfort zone, encourages you to have exciting experiences, and helps build lasting relationships.


Location Wealth directly results in extracting value from time. You might need to build a project or job that grants you Location Wealth, but the simple act of becoming location rich actually increases your Time Wealth, because you’re using your time in ways that increase the value of your life.


And as you’ll see, Location Wealth creates the necessary environment to best give back through the final Principle of Wealth: the Wealth of Reciprocation. More on that later.


Again, true Location Wealth, like every principle of Wealth, is unique to the individual. Start asking yourself today, whether or not you’ve achieved Emotional Wealth or Time Wealth, what you would do with Location Wealth.


Would you buy a house and settle down? Would you rent out a summer home in British Colombia? Would you move to Europe? Would you become an expat in South America? Would you sell everything except for the laptop you use for business, and travel around the world?


Or, like me, would you strive to become multi-location independent?


The possibilities of Location Wealth are endless, and are only bound by your level of emotional riches and Time Wealth.


If you aren’t emotionally sure of yourself and your surroundings, you’ll be less inclined – or even able – to see the options and benefits of Location Wealth. With Emotional Wealth, it’s a mindset shift that needs to occur. Once you believe that Location Wealth is possible, and have built an emotional framework that allows you to enter that phase of your life, you can achieve location riches.


If you don’t have true ownership of your time, through our new definition of “career” and our focus on balance, you literally won’t be able to achieve Location Wealth. You need time ownership to give yourself the ability to do what you want. Part of “doing what you want” is choosing your location, whether that choice be once, or every month. In this sense, Location Wealth is a direct result of Time Wealth.


But, if you haven’t become rich in the previous two Principles of Wealth, don’t fret! The attainment of true Wealth is an evolving and interconnected process. While you should continue to focus on increasing your Emotional Wealth and Time Wealth, it’s never too late to start game planning where you’re going to live, work, and play, once you’re ready for Location Wealth.


In fact, the process of deciding on what Location Wealth means to you can actually increase your Emotional Wealth and give you the motivation to achieve Time Wealth.


The following chapters will help you choose the type of Location Wealth for you, and show you that by maximizing your Location Wealth, you further increase every Principle of Wealth, and increase the value of your life.