The New Meaning of Rich by Evan Tarver - HTML preview

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Chapter 14: Painting The Picture


“Everything is connected. The wing of the corn beetle affects the direction of the wind, the way the sand drifts, and the way the light reflects into the eye of man beholding his reality. All is part of totality, and in this totality man finds his hozro, his way of walking in harmony, with beauty all around him.” – Tony Hillerman


Everything is connected. It doesn’t matter how you approach your Location Wealth: through vagabonding, through Airbnb vagabonding, through a more traditional approach, or a combination of it all. It always connects back to each Principle of Wealth, and each Principle of Wealth connects back to Location Wealth.


If you want to live a life of true Wealth, it’s important to integrate and intertwine every Principle of Wealth you have. Only then will you maximize the value of your life.


With location ownership, you can meet new and exciting people from all different walks of life. You are able to further define your emotional framework with the reference experiences you have through your location independence. 


Your travels, whether they be inches or miles, will enrich your Emotional Wealth. Whether it’s by forcing you to step outside of your comfort zone, strengthening your emotional support system through a growing network of mentors, peers, mentees, friends, and family, or uncovering your passion through exciting experiences, your Location Wealth directly increases your emotional riches. 


With all of the experiences gained through Location Wealth, you’re able discover new ideas and make connections between different life theories, and create your own theories regarding how the world operates.


You directly increase your knowledge, which not only increases your Emotional Wealth, but goes a long way to increasing your Time Wealth.


Think about how well you’ll understand the world when you’ve immersed yourself in its unique cultures. You’ll be able to redefine what it means to be human at its core. You can figure out what drives us as a species. There is a set of core values, much like your personal values, that governs the actions of our species.


Figuring out what that set of values is will allow you to create a work project or group of work projects that directly increases your Time Wealth. Your next great idea is out there. Through Location Wealth, you can kill two birds with one stone by uncovering your passion, and then building a value-adding work project around it.


By identifying and then pursuing the Location Wealth you want, you’ll naturally build your Time Wealth in such a way that it achieves your Location Wealth. Stay focused on Location Wealth, and know that the way you build your Time Wealth will directly affect the type of location riches you get out of life.


What’s more, with true ownership of your location or locations, you’re naturally forced to balance your life. You wake up every day with the freedom to spend your time in the way you see fit, where you see fit.


Through Location Wealth, you end up valuing what’s most important to you. Your job, your boss, or your landlord won’t seem nearly as important anymore.


Remember: A problem viewed in the timeframe of today is a big problem, a problem viewed in the timeframe of life is a little problem, and a problem viewed in the time frame of the Universe is no problem.


When you’re out traveling and living, with a focus on Emotional Wealth, Time Wealth, and Location Wealth, “problems,” by society’s definitions, seem to go away, and what bubbles up to replace them are the exact types of activities and experiences that balance your life and give it the most value.


You can read a book on the Amazon River. You can eat tapas in Spain. You can travel the famous Route 66 in the States. You can put focused effort into growing your work projects. You can place greater importance on meeting new people to strengthen your emotional network.


The possibilities are endless when you have the Wealth of Location.