The One Who is...NOT by Zeljko Mussovich - HTML preview

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The thing, or whatever it is, that people call God is found in

the mind but also lost in it.


When we “peeled off” all the layers (or removed all the labels) from our “Self” we discovered that “something” is there, but cannot be seen, described, defined… and is nothing of what we thought it was.

It turned out that the thing which is usually called “god” is of the same nature – the one who is NOT.

How, then, did it become “a person”, and whatever else it is believed to be these days?

Well, “it” never became a person, or anything else. Something else happened.


Throughout human history wise men, and those not so wise, saints and sinners, mystics and ordinary individuals have been looking for the answers and explanations to the mysteries and wonders around them.

As already pointed out, most of them set off into adventure of learning something about life and universe exclusively from their own personal standpoint. They used their own level of knowledge and quality of consciousness as standard and, consequently, almost inevitably “returned” with the invisible perpetrator who stood behind everything and was named (this or that) God.

They were all (even those few who came “empty-handed”) eager to share their findings with other people and talked about them to whoever wanted to listen. Eventually, one or two fell silent.

Contrary to them, others continued to explain, describe, and interpret their experiences or, perhaps there is a better word, achievements in many ways and gave them different names, faces, and characteristics although they essentially discovered or experienced one and the same “thing”. …Or, at least, they should have. Once they described it, they started holding on to their pictures as the only truthful ones. But, soon they became restless and something had to be added, or removed – for the sake of improvement, better understanding… A listener or a reader himself would immediately create his own image about it in his mind, and that which had been depicted became something else.

And, this is when religious experts came into play. Those who “understood” various descriptions of “God” best decided to simplify things: “No, we cannot allow people to walk around with so many visions of that God in their heads. It is sense- less. It might be dangerous. And finally, it is not profitable!” So they quickly produced the most appropriate image which would be easily accepted by the masses, “went public”, and announced: “God is this and that. He looks like this and that. From now on you must believe in it. If you don’t, you will go to some very ugly place when you die!!”

In short, that is how people started believing in (and searching for) something that does not exist!

Indeed, this story has had some variations at different times and in different civilizations, but one actuality has always remained unchanged: the people who constantly talk about God, Allah, the Absolute… know nothing of the subject at all! They have only heard something from somebody or  have been taught about it from books. If they knew anything, they would not talk! Quite simply, everything they know about god is wrong, just as everything they know about that which is alive or conscious in them is wrong.

Or, in other words: How can you know anything about god, when you do not know anything about that which is alive or conscious in you?

Any concept of god was, is, and will be a result of ignorance and misunderstanding – a replacement of the darkness in our minds with even darker darkness. “God” is just an empty word, a mental image created in human brains: the spiritual idol, matching our own personalities and needs.


There is NOTHING at the bottom of the glass of natural

sciences waiting for you.