The One Who is...NOT by Zeljko Mussovich - HTML preview

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First, let’s recapitulate:

Our personal consciousness is “human” – that which is alive or conscious in us is NOT. It is the same in every living form or being on Earth. “It” is also called (elementary) conscious- ness, the soul, or god.

I do not know anything about the foundation of the universe, and have no idea how “nothing, or something comes into being”, but I am familiar with the fact that energy can exist in many different forms and cannot be created or destroyed.

Now, since that which is alive or conscious in us perfectly “fits” into this definition, there is no reason to suppose that the same “qualities” do not apply to it as well.


The thing which undoubtedly survives death is the energy previously materialized in the form of our body. We get it from our parents and, in most cases, forward it on in the form of our children.{3}

Then, there is the energy the body supplied itself with from the environment (breathing, eating, absorbing...).

And finally, there is the energy manifested in personal consciousness – naturally, the most intriguing part of this story. While we are alive this energy is constantly released or materialized in many forms (movements, things, buildings, books, drawings …) thanks to the abilities of the body. When it ceases with its function, the possibility of materialization ceases as well.

The same law applies to thoughts. When brain stops with its work, the thought manufacturing process also stops. Still, we do not exactly know what happens to our thoughts after they have been produced and “used”. Do they immediately turn into energy or become a part of some “cosmic radio/TV broadcast”?

The good news is that, in either case, it simply doesn’t matter. Perhaps the electromagnetic energy really carries conscious- ness or our brain waves all over the universe, and perhaps it is (or, will be) possible to “catch” those waves and telepathically communicate with other (not dead) people, but all that has nothing to do with life after death of any kind, and does not, in any way, affect the correctness of the following facts:

- Energy always remains energy, even when it is in a material form, and never takes on the characteristics of its creations. Electrical energy, as everyone knows, sets in motion and keeps in operation different home appliances but never, never assumes the properties of these appliances, does not become any of these appliances!

Similarly, one and the same force, or energy (consciousness / “soul” / “god”) somehow sets many beings in motion and creates many forms, but never identifies itself with its “own” creations.{4}

Appropriately, the energy which “leaves” a body after death has the same quality “then” as when it started “creating” it – it does not carry with itself any personal information of that body. And, when you think about it, what would be the point of that?!

All segments of individual consciousness produced in a life- time, down to the most insignificant thought, were given their own energy at the moment they came into existence and thus should already be in the universe!!

- The energetic/material creation we call personal consciousness has as much importance (or power) as we give it by identifying with it, or tying ourselves to it.

- That bondage is broken, and the power of self-consciousness disappears when we die or realize that we are not that (kind of) consciousness.

- The “Self” is, in fact, a load of bullshit, or to say it politely, an illusion.

That is the real knowledge.