The One Who is...NOT by Zeljko Mussovich - HTML preview

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A “Piece” of Mind


April 20th, 2003.

Mt Borovnik (Montenegro), 1935 meters above sea level.

…Alone. There is no other human being for at least fifteen kilometers around. The snow under your feet is hard and dry. A spring breeze, not so cold… The air is crisp and clean. A bird, or two (!?) …up, down, on the left, right… everywhere. White clouds in the sky.

Mountains wherever you turn: some with clear edges, glistening in the sun, and others almost hidden in the haze. Your eyes are searching and absorbing...

Close them. Let the sun touch your face. You do not feel  tired. Fatigue always disappears when you reach the summit.

Suddenly and inexplicably – complete silence. You become aware of it just like that: suddenly and inexplicably! You hear silence.

The Emptiness…

Open your eyes, slowly. Everything is perfectly still. The mountains are still there, but they are not as important as they were five minutes ago. They are simply there, and that’s it. You can hear the birds again... feel the wind, sun, smell, freshness… A clear, intensive sensation, but somehow you don’t stick to it... No thoughts...

Exactly, no thoughts!

An extended moment… There are no troubles, desires … Even your own wife and children are no longer yours. You have nothing, need nothing, and you do not want anything.

There is no past: can’t remember anything, good or bad.

Now some thoughts are coming back, but they fade away in a second, become completely insignificant. You don’t push them away – they fade away by themselves!

There is no future.

…The ideal time to die, with no fear and regrets at all, because you have just lived.